Brain Lesions Flashcards
Kluver - Bucy Syndrome , characterized by disinhibited behaviors such as hyperphagia, hypersexuality, and hyperorality , is associated with bilateral lesions in what part of the brain?
Lesion which presents with contralateral hemiballismus?
Lesions in the subthalamic nucleus
Lesion present in Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?
Bilateral Damage to the Mammillary Bodies
Lesion in Kluver-Bucy Syndrome commonly observed in HSV-1 encephalitis?
Bilateral Lesions in the Amygdala
Lesion in Alzheimer’s Disease which manifests with anterograde amnesia, impairing the formation of new memories.
Bilateral Damage to the Hippocampus
Low grade astrocytoma. Most common primary brain tumor of childhood. Usually well circumscribed.
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Tumor with astrocyte origin , GFAP (+) , Bipolar neoplastic cells with hairlike projections . Associated with microcysts and rosenthal fibers eosinophilic corkscrew fibers
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Most common malignant brain tumor in childhood
Location of Pilocytic Astrocytoma ?
Posterior fossa , Cerebellum
Most common location of Medulloblastoma?
Most commonly found in the 4th ventricle ?
Tumor that can compress the 4th ventricle , causing non-communicating hydrocephalus causing headache and papilledema. Can involve the cerebellar vermis which cause truncal ataxia. Can send drop metastasis to spinal cord.
Tumor form of primitive neuroectodermal tumor ( PNET) Homer -wright rosettes ( small blue cells surrounding central area of neuropil) Synaptophysin (+).
Most commonly found in the 4th ventricle , can cause hydrocephalus, poor prognosis. Ependymal cell origin with a characteristic perivascular pseudorosettes. **Rod-shaped blepharoplasts ( basal ciliary bodies) found near the nucleus.
Most common childhood supratentorial tumor.
Tumor may be confused with pituitary adenoma. Calcification is common. Associated with high recurrence rate. Derived from remnants of Rathke pouch (ectoderm). Cholesterol crystals found in motor-oil like fluid within tumor.
Most commonly extragonadal germ cell tumors.
Pineal gland tumors
Present with obstructive hydrocephalus ( compression of cerebral aqueduct).
Pineal gland tumors
Increased incidence in males and cause Parinaud Syndrome.
Pineal gland tumor
Parinaud syndrome
1. upward gaze palsy
2. Convergence - retraction nystagmus
3. Light near dissociation
Brain tumor in childhood that is similar to testicular seminomas?
Pineal gland tumor