HPM 50.5 CH. 1-5 Flashcards
As a statewide criminal justice agency, the CHP plays a major role in protecting the ______, _____, and ________ of the public during instances of civil disturbance.
HPM 50.5 (1-3. 1.a)
rights, lives, and property
According to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and
the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), a
request for mutual aid by an allied agency for Mobile Field Force is defined
as a minimum of ___ CHP uniformed personnel, to be dispatched in 14
general purpose patrol vehicles, unless otherwise specified in writing by
the requesting agency.
HPM 50.5 (1-4. a.)
The policy contained in Chapter 2, Operational Guidelines, of this manual
is reviewed _________ by each uniformed employee.
HPM 50.5 (1-4. d.1)
Each employee has the __________ responsibility and authority to use reasonable force to defend themselves or to defend others.
HPM 50.5 (1-5. 3.b)
First Amendment rights exercised within the law must be _________ and _________ by all departmental personnel.
HPM 50.5 (1-5. 4.a)
respected and protected
When deployed in a tactical formation (e.g., Line Formation), the standard holding position of the baton should be the ____ ________. HPM 50.5 (2-5. 4.a)
long extended
A lawful order to disperse and a use of force warning _____ be given prior to utilizing pain compliance through control holds to disentangle demonstrators.
HPM 50.5 (2-6. a)
The purpose of crowd management, intervention, and control strategies, is to provide on-scene personnel ________ to safely manage crowd control operations.
HPM 50.5 (2-7. 5.a)
Law enforcement crowd control units must be of sufficient ____ and ________ to handle an incident.
HPM 50.5 (5-3. 2.a)
size and strength
A squad is usually composed of a squad leader (preferably a sergeant) and __ officers.
HPM 50.5 (5-3. 3.a-1)
The squad leader is responsible for the overall direction and discipline of the squad. The squad leader may choose to designate two members of their squad as ____________.
HPM 50.5 (5-3. a.2)
At the discretion of the incident commander, arrest squads ___ be deployed to provide support to a tactical formation or to serve as a source of relief for line personnel.
HPM 50.5 (5-4. b.1)
The Line Formation is used to move _____ crowds or to deny access by crowds to small, controllable areas such as doorways, intersections, on-ramps, etc.
HPM 50.5 (5-10. 6.a.1)
The Line Formation with _________ _______ is used to increase the line coverage of a particular area by simply adjusting the interval spacing between the officers.
HPM 50.5 (5-12. 7.a.1)
tactical spacing
_________ ____ is used to secure an area when time has not permitted a more coordinated formation.
HPM 50.5 (5-18.11.a.1)
Emergency Line
___ individuals should be trained and equipped with video camera capabilities.
Although this is an optional position, it is highly recommended this position be
HPM 50.5 (5-46. 21.a)