Pursuits. Whether a felony or misdemeanor violation is involved, it is the policy of the Department ______ turn over pursuits entering adjoining states to the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction as soon as possible. (100.67 5-2 b.)
Notification. Whether in pursuit or for collision/investigative follow-up, supervisory approval ________ be obtained prior to entering the adjoining state. When prior notification is impractical, officers shall make notification as soon as possible. Officers shall also immediately notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of the nature and circumstances surrounding the incident. As a courtesy, officers should also notify other law enforcement agencies when in their jurisdiction. (100.67 5-2 c.)
Suspect’s Return to California - Extradition. Generally, there are ____ means by which a suspect who is physically located in one state may be returned to another state (to face criminal charges) - a suspect not in-custody may voluntarily return and an in-custody suspect may be returned consistent with the asylum state’s “Extradition Acts” (A.R.S. 13-3841 to 13-3868, N.R.S. 179.177 to 179.235, O.R.S. 133.743 to 133.857). (100.67 5-3 a.)
Felony Pursuits. All bordering states have ______ ______ _____. These acts convey peace officer status to officers who enter the state in fresh pursuit of a known or suspected felon. Thus, an officer who initiates a felony pursuit in California may continue the pursuit, should the circumstances warrant. (100.67 5-3 (1)
Fresh Pursuit Acts
Misdemeanor Pursuits. Authority. The Fresh Pursuit Acts are ______ ______ to misdemeanor violations, however, the Interstate Mutual Assistance Agreements, permit officers to act within 50 statute miles of the state border where “immediate law enforcement action” is required or requested. Officers should not pursue beyond the 50 statute mile limit unless the subject’s driving presents an extreme hazard to the public (i.e., DUI, reckless). (100.67 5.-3 2(a))
not applicable
Routine Stops Prohibited. Neither the Fresh Pursuit Acts nor the Interstate Mutual Assistance Agreements authorize _______ ________ of traffic violations (infractions) outside the State of California. (100.67 5-4.-C 1)
routine enforcement
Safety Hazard. When the violation presents an on-going safety hazard and “immediate law enforcement action” is necessary, officers may make an enforcement stop. Motorists stopped should ______ be cited at the scene. Officers should obtain sufficient identifying information upon which to file a complaint. If warranted, a complaint may be filed later through the appropriate California district attorney’s office. (100.67 5-4.-C 2)
Hospitalized Suspects - Release/Flight Risk. The Area operational plan shall address procedures for the release of hospitalized suspects and custodial arrest of “flight risk” suspects. Release of Suspect. Generally, hospitalized arrested suspects who are not considered a flight risk should be ______ released from custody consistent with Section 849(b) PC and departmental policies as set forth in HPM 100.68, Enforcement Policy Manual, Chapter 2, Arrest Policies, and HPM 70.4, Driving Under the Influence Enforcement Manual, Chapter 4, DUI Enforcement Policies and Procedures. (100.67 5-5.-e)
Driver License Suspensions – Implied Consent. Pursuant to Section _______VC, implied consent provisions are applicable only when the suspect is placed under lawful arrest. When a formal arrest is not effected, the Department of Motor Vehicles cannot execute administrative action for blood/alcohol testing refusal. Similarly, an Administrative Per Se (Section 13382 VC) license confiscation requires a valid arrest. Unless the suspect was lawfully arrested, an officer shall not confiscate a DUI suspect’s California driver license. (100.67 5-7 g.)
23612 VC
DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES ON FEDERAL LANDS: Indian reservations and rancherias are to be considered ______ jurisdiction with respect to civil matters, and neither the Department nor local government can cite for parking violations, impose Administrative Per Se driver license sanctions, enforce the “zero tolerance” minor driving-under-the-influence law, or enforce local ordinances. However, these violations, when committed by tribal members on another tribe’s reservation or rancheria, or by non- Indians, are enforceable by the Department. (100.67 6-6 3)
FOREIGN NATIONALS: ARREST, DETENTION, U/T VISA CERTIFICATIONS, AND CONSULAR NOTIFICATION IN THE EVENT OF DEATH OR INJURY: Policy. Officers ______ ______ appropriate enforcement action for all violations observed, regardless of claims of diplomatic or consular immunity alleged by violators. However, a person shall not be subjected to in-custody arrest when Diplomatic or consular immunity is claimed by the individual or suspected by the officer, and The officer has verified or reasonably suspects that the claim of immunity is valid. (100.67 8-3 A 1-2).
should take
The term “immunity” refers to various protections and privileges extended to the _________ of foreign governments who are present in the U.S. as official representatives of their home governments. (100.67 8-3 (2).
Levels of Immunity. The specific degree of immunity afforded to foreign service personnel within the U.S. is directly related to their function and position in this country: Diplomatic agents (e.g., ambassadors and United Nations’ representatives) are afforded the ______ _____ of immunity. They are exempt from arrest or detention and are immune from all criminal (and most civil) prosecution by the host state. The family members of diplomatic agents are afforded these same immunities. There are no diplomatic agents permanently assigned to California; but, they do occasionally visit the state. (100.67 8-4 (3 a)
highest levels
Levels of Immunity. The specific degree of immunity afforded to foreign service personnel within the U.S. is directly related to their function and position in this country: Consular officers are the ranking members of consular posts who perform various formal functions on behalf of their own governments. Typical titles include consul general, consul, and vice consul. These officials ____ immune from arrest or detention, except pursuant to a felony warrant. However, they are only immune from criminal and civil prosecution arising from official acts. (100.67 8-4 (3 b)
Levels of Immunity. The specific degree of immunity afforded to foreign service personnel within the U.S. is directly related to their function and position in this country: The family members of consular officers generally do not have immunity. However, any family member who is afforded a higher level of immunity is issued an ________ ______ by U.S. Department of State’s (DOS), enumerating any privileges or immunities on the back of the card. (Examples are consular officers and family members from Russia or China.) (100.67 8-4 (3 b)
identification card
Identification. All diplomatic and consular personnel who are entitled to _______ are registered with the U.S. Department of State’s (DOS) and are issued distinctive identification cards by the DOS Protocol Office (Annex B). These cards are the best means of identifying foreign service personnel. They include a photograph, identifying information, and, on the reverse side, a brief description of the bearer’s immunity status. Unfortunately, these identification cards are not always promptly issued by DOS. In addition to the DOS identification card, foreign service personnel should also have a driver license issued by the DOS Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Office (DMVO), which replaces the operator’s license issued by the state (Annex B). (100.67 8-5 (4)
Citable Offenses. An enforcement document shall be issued at the scene for all violations warranting such action, regardless of the violator’s immunity status. (The issuance of a citation is not considered an arrest or detention under current DOS guidelines.) Whenever a CHP 215, Notice to Appear, is issued to an immunity claimant, the following additional procedures shall be followed by the arresting officer:
(a) Identification documents are to be requested of the claimant.
(b) The ____ and _____ represented by the claimant are to be recorded on the back of the officer’s copy of the CHP 215 for later reference (do not include on the face of the CHP 215).
(c) The claimant shall be requested to sign the CHP 215. If the claimant refuses, the identity and immunity status of the individual shall be conclusively established. (Refer to paragraph 3.c.[3] of this chapter, In-Custody Arrests.) (100.67 8-5 (c-2)
“Title and Country”
Citable Offenses. An enforcement document shall be issued at the scene for all violations warranting such action, regardless of the violator’s immunity status. (The issuance of a citation is not considered an arrest or detention under current DOS guidelines.) Whenever a CHP 215, Notice to Appear, is issued to an immunity claimant, the following additional procedures shall be followed by the arresting officer:
(a) ____________ documents are to be ________ of the claimant.
(b) The title and country represented by the claimant are to be recorded on the back of the officer’s copy of the CHP 215 for later reference (do not include on the face of the CHP 215).
(c) The claimant shall be requested to sign the CHP 215. If the claimant refuses, the identity and immunity status of the individual shall be conclusively established. (Refer to paragraph 3.c.[3] of this chapter, In-Custody Arrests.) (100.67 8-5 (c-2)
(a) Identification documents are to be requested of the claimant.
Verified diplomatic agents and consular officers, including staff and family members from countries with which the U.S. has special agreements, are _____ required to sign the CHP 215. The word “Refused” shall be entered in the signature box, and the violator shall be released. (100.67 8-6 (c-c 1)
not required
Verified consular staff members, excluding those from countries with which the U.S. has special agreements (refer to paragraph 3.b.[3][c] of this chapter), are generally ___________ to sign the CHP 215, but a signature shall not be required if their immunity status is uncertain. (100.67 8-6 (c-c 2)
In-Custody Arrests. Diplomatic agents and consular officers are _______ from arrest or detention (unless they have no identification and the detention is to verify their diplomatic status). Proper identification of immunity claimants is imperative in potential in-custody situations. Claimants who are not entitled to immunity shall be placed in-custody in accordance with the provisions outlined in paragraph 4. of this chapter. (100.67 8-6 (3)
A subject who is placed under arrest and claims ________ or consular immunity shall not be physically restrained before verification of the claim (unless restraint is necessary for the protection of the officer or others). A supervisor shall be promptly notified and should respond to the scene whenever possible. (100.67 8-6 (a/b)
Identification cards issued by U.S. Department of State’s (DOS), Protocol Office, are the only valid evidence of diplomatic or consular _______. The following types of identification cards are issued: Diplomatic (blue bordered), Consular (red bordered), and Official (green bordered). The DOS identification cards are 3-3/4” by 2-1/2” and contain a photograph of the bearer (examples are contained in Annex B). (100.67 8-7 C1)
If the release of the violator will not create an additional hazard, adequate information to properly identify the violator and the vehicle shall be recorded and the violator _________ released. A supervisor’s approval for the release shall be obtained whenever possible. A CHP 103, Certificate of Release from Custody, should only be issued under the conditions prescribed in Highway Patrol Manual 100.69, General Law Enforcement Policy Manual, Chapter 1, Arrest Policies. (100.67 8-8 d1)
shall be
If the violator appears to have been driving while under the influence (DUI), field sobriety tests (including Preliminary Alcohol Screening device tests) and chemical tests should be offered and obtained whenever possible, but these tests cannot be _________. The subject shall not be permitted to drive. A supervisor’s approval for release shall be obtained whenever possible, and alternative transportation should be arranged. (100.67 8-8 d2)
Vehicles. Vehicles which are owned by subjects with full immunity ________ be searched, stored, or impounded without the owner’s permission. (Such permission may be assumed if the vehicle has been stolen.) These vehicles may, however, be towed the necessary distance to remove them from obstructing traffic or creating any other hazard. (100.67 8-9 5)
may not
ARREST OR DETENTION OF FOREIGN NATIONALS WHO DO NOT CLAIM DIPLOMATIC OR CONSULAR IMMUNITY: Arrest Criteria. Officers shall arrest foreign nationals only under the following circumstances:
(a) There is a valid _______ _______ issued for the person’s arrest.
(b) The foreign national has violated a federal criminal law, a state law, or a local ordinance.
(c) Officers shall not stop or detain persons solely for the purpose of determining immigration status. 100.67 (8-10 4 B 1 A-C)
Judicial warrant
Embassy Notification. Whenever an officer arrests or detains an individual for a criminal investigation and the officer reasonably believes the person is a foreign national, the officer shall attempt to determine the person’s citizenship. This procedure applies to in-custody arrests and to detentions exceeding ______ hours. 100.67 (8-12 c)
exceeding two hours
Mandatory Notification. If the foreign national claims citizenship, or is suspected of being a citizen, of one of the countries listed in Annex G officers ______ notify (through the appropriate CHP communications center) the consulate or embassy of the arrest or detention even if the arrestee/detainee requests no contact. This procedure is required by treaty obligations and Section 834c PC. The information contained in paragraph 4.c.(1)(c) of this chapter shall be provided to the communications center for notification purposes. (100.67 8-13 d)
In instances involving an investigation and detention exceeding _____ ______ where a person is ultimately released, the incident shall be documented on a CHP 216/202 or CHP 202D, Consent Search, (whichever is applicable to the given situation). The fact that the person was advised of the right to consular notification and whether or not notification was made shall be included in the report. Reports shall be submitted to the Area for supervisory review. Reviewed reports documented on a CHP 216/202 should be filed and retained utilizing Area procedures for filing and retaining misdemeanor/felony arrest reports. Incidences documented on a CHP 202D shall be retained in accordance with GO 100.91, Search and Seizure Policy. (100.67 8-14 2)
Two hours
Injured Foreign Nationals. When an officer contacts a foreign national who has been injured in a traffic crash or in another event falling under the investigative jurisdiction of the Department, the officer should advise the person that the Department _____ ______ the appropriate consulate if the injured party desires. If the person requests that their consulate be notified, officers shall request that the CHP communications center notify the appropriate embassy/consulate as soon as practical. (100.67 8-16 2)
will notify
TRANSPORTATION OF GAMING EQUIPMENT: The carrier must have a copy of both the ______________ permit and the shipment notice provided to the Sheriff’s Department, as issued by the applicable Tribal Gaming Agency, in possession at all times while transporting the devices. Refer to Annex B for a sample Transportation Permit and Annex C for a sample Shipment Notice. A shipment notification (Annex D) should be included with the Transportation Permit and Shipment Notice as an attachment to describe the items being shipped. (100.67 9-3 d)
TRANSPORTATION OF GAMING EQUIPMENT: If departmental personnel encounter gaming devices under transport, they should request the above-mentioned Transportation Permit and Shipment Notice to ensure the devices are being ___________ legally. If all the requested documentation is in the driver’s possession, no further enforcement action relating to the gaming devices is necessary. (100.67 9-4 a)
1) Departmental aid to law enforcement agencies within the state may include temporary emergency assistance, supporting and upholding the agencies during mutual aid operations, or as the result of a _______ _____ _____________.
HPM 100.67, 1-3
Police labor controversary
No matter what level of assistance the Department provides under mutual aid guidelines, the CHP will adhere to Incident Command system protocol as required by law and outlined in Highway Patrol Manual _____, Emergency Incident Management Planning and Operations Manual.
HPM 100.67, 1-3
HPM 50.1
Except for “officer needs assistance” and “emergency traffic assistance” mutual aid, the CHP ____ ___ ________ dedicate departmental resources directly to city requests prior to the reasonable commitment of available county resources.
HPM 100.67, 1-3
Will not normally
Approval to Commit Resources. Approval of the ____________ __ ___ ________ is required before committing CHP resources in response to a request
for mutual aid.
HPM 100.67, 1-5
Commissioner or their designee
5) Development of Plans. Field commanders _____ develop and coordinate plans to provide departmental assistance to local authorities within their geographical areas of responsibility. Field commanders _____ ensure all uniformed personnel, particularly sergeants and officers-in-charge (OIC), are familiar with departmental
assistance procedures contained in this chapter. HPM 100.67, 1-5
6) California Custodial Facilities. Requests for “mutual aid support” at local jurisdiction (city or county) custodial facilities will be handled the same as any other mutual aid request. All requests for unarmed assistance will be ________.
HPM 100.67, 1-5
7) Command and Control. Departmental personnel committed to the support of
local authorities ______ remain under the command and control of the CHP. All CHP policies and procedures, including the policy on carrying and using firearms, will remain in effect.
HPM 100.67, 1-6
Officer Needs Assistance. Uniformed personnel shall respond to officer needs assistance requests. The degree of response must be based on the decision of the __-____ __________ who is authorized to commit the personnel and resources necessary to meet the particular situation.
HPM 100.67, 1-6
on-duty supervisor
9) Emergency Traffic Assistance. The senior ranking officer on duty shall: deploy personnel, notify the Area commander through channels, proceed to the scene; assess the situation, and direct departmental involvement until relieved by a ___ ________ __ ______ ____.
HPM 100.67, 1-7
CHP officer of higher rank.
Emergency Traffic Assistance. The Division chief ____+_ be notified and may, if necessary, deploy personnel from adjacent Areas within the Division.
HPM 100.67, 1-7
Mutual Aid Support. Upon receipt of a request from the regional or
operational area coordinator, or designee to provide mutual aid support, the appropriate commander shall be notified. Commanders shall request, through channels, ________ __ ___ _____________ to commit departmental mutual aid
HPM 100.67, 1-7
approval of the commissioner
12) Mutual Aid Support. Division Chiefs and Area commanders ___ authorize mobilization of as many of their personnel as deemed necessary for the situation prior to the receipt of approval from the Commissioner to commit resources.
HPM 100.67, 1-7
___ __ Makes it illegal to willfully and unlawfully obstruct the free passage and use of a public park, square, street or highway.
HPM 100.67, 1-15
370 PC
_____ __- Any use of force or violence, disturbing the public peace, or any threat to use such force or violence, if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by two or more persons, acting together, and without authority of
law, is a riot.
HPM 100.67, 1-15
404 (a) PC
____ __- Whenever two or more persons assemble together to do an unlawful act, and separate without doing or advancing toward it, or do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous or tumultuous manner, such assembly is an unlawful assembly.
HPM 100.67, 1-16
406 PC
16) When approached to provide supplemental law enforcement assistance on a limited basis, CHP commands shall advise local agencies that CHP assistance must be requested by following the same steps contained in the ______ ___ _______.
HPM 100.67, 2-3
mutual aid process
17) If requested by the governing body of a newly incorporated city, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) will continue to provide traffic law enforcement services without reimbursement during the remainder of the fiscal year of incorporation or _____ __ _ ______ __________, whichever occurs first.
HPM 100.67, 3-3
until establishment of a police department
18) Generally, traffic law enforcement services will not be provided for a period longer than __ ______ from the date of incorporation. However, when unforeseen circumstances arise preventing the timely establishment of police services, the CHP will consider continuing services for a limited duration provided that a formal request is made by the city’s governing body.
HPM 100.67, 3-4
12 months
19) INTERSTATE MUTUAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS-California and the bordering states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona, in a desire to assist each other in the event of ________ __________, criminal activity, or other similar public safety problems, have entered into interstate mutual assistance agreements.
HPM 100.67, 4-3
emergency incidents
INTERSTATE MUTUAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS-PEACE OFFICER AUTHORITY. The respective Commissioner or Chief of each party has agreed that any law enforcement officer who is regularly employed by the CHP or the affected state’s highway patrol, department of public safety, or state police is a peace officer in the other state whenever either of the following conditions are met:
a. In response to a _______ for services initiated by either state.
b. Upon the recognition by any such officer of a situation or circumstance within the jurisdiction or territory of the bordering state which requires immediate law enforcement action or other emergency action.
HPM 100.67, 4-3
in response to a request