HPM 10.10 CH 1-3 & 16 Flashcards
- Continued unsatisfactory performance in any critical task shall ultimately result in administrative action which may include, but is not limited to, _____________during the probationary period, removal from a specialized assignment, and/or adverse action. Non-probationary employees shall be advised in writing (e.g., comment on CHP 100, Officer’s Evaluation/Activity Summary; Memorandum of Counseling; Memorandum of Direction; censurable CHP 2, Incident Report) whenever their performance is deemed unsatisfactory. The written notification shall be provided to the employee in a timely manner. (Refer to HPM 10.2, Internal Investigations Manual, Chapter 3, Progressive Discipline, for information on corrective documentation.) If unsatisfactory performance continues, the information shall be included in the annual evaluation report. HMP 10.10 1-3 C 3.
- 100 FORMS: Ongoing Observation of Performance. Throughout the rating period, the following considerations should be made to provide appraisal input where appropriate: Personal observations of the day-to-day employee __________of critical job tasks or performance factors, and/or the demonstration of proficiency (e.g., for an officer, information gathered from ride-alongs, court testimony, review of reports, community group presentations, monitoring radio). HMP 10.10 1-7 C / C1.
- CHP leadership: CHP ____, Leadership Development Plan. The CHP 14 was developed as a tool to assist departmental employees with the identification and development of recognized leadership competencies as defined in the Statewide Leadership Development Model. The form provides a means for employees to record and evaluate their progress toward acquiring the necessary leadership skills to become successful leaders within their chosen career paths. Participation in the LDP is optional, but the CHP 14 shall be discussed and made available to all departmental supervisors and managers during the annual performance appraisal process. The performance appraisal forms for all supervisory and managerial employees shall indicate the CHP 14 was offered to the employee, and shall indicate whether or not the employee chose to complete a CHP 14. HPM 10.10 2-7 a
CHP 14
- Performance appraisal: The annual performance appraisal shall be completed and submitted to Human Resources Section (HRS), Personnel Files Services (PFS), within _____ days following the officer’s anniversary date. The probationary reports shall be completed within 10 days of the end of 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months, and submitted to HRS, PFS. HPM 10.10 3-4 e
- Performance appraisal: The annual performance appraisal shall be completed and submitted to Human Resources Section (HRS), Personnel Files Services (PFS), within 60 days following the officer’s anniversary date. The probationary reports shall be completed within 10 days of the end of 4 months, ____months, and 12 months, and submitted to HRS, PFS. HPM 10.10 3-4 e
- ________ reporting is used at any time during the rating period to document an officer’s performance of a specified critical task(s) does not meet performance standards. Occasionally, an officer may experience performance deficiencies so serious the supervisor feels the need to immediately initiate interim reporting procedures. In this case, the normal CHP 118 process will be preempted and the supervisor, with the concurrence of the commander, shall complete a CHP 118 immediately, following the procedures outlined in paragraph 4.a.(2)(c) of this chapter. An example of interim reporting can be found in Annex E. HPM 10.10 3-4 f
- Interim
- Since the emphasis is on officer development, two rating categories have been specified for substandard performance: Needs Improvement on the CHP 100 and __________on the CHP 118. The reason for having these two categories is the CHP 100 is intended, among other purposes, to serve as a developmental tool to provide timely feedback to the officer. Needs Improvement serves as a non-career-threatening mechanism on the CHP 100 that raters may use as a warning to the officer that improvement is needed. Conversely, a rating of Deficient on the CHP 118 typically represents a persistent pattern of substandard performance. It indicates the officer’s performance is clearly unacceptable and results in interim reporting or other progressive discipline as necessary. A continued rating of Needs Improvement on the CHP 100 or a particularly serious performance issue could trigger an immediate CHP 118 rating of _________ and result in the officer being placed on interim reporting. HMP 10.10 3-4, 2B
- ________. A rating of __________indicates the officer has demonstrated sustained outstanding performance with regard to the critical task in question. This rating is reserved for performance that is clearly over and above what is expected for the position. While most officers are capable of achieving excellence, few officers are likely to be rated as _________; this is a rating that requires clear and convincing documented evidence of sustained outstanding performance. HPM 10.10 3-5 D 1
___________. A rating of ____________means the officer has demonstrated full competence with regard to all facets of the task in question. It is a difficult rating to earn and should not be taken for granted or dismissed as average or mediocre. Officers receiving this rating should be proud of their accomplishment. They have achieved and demonstrated mastery of a complex and difficult set of skills. HPM 10.10 3-5 D 2
__________. A rating of _________is reserved for performance where there is a clear, documented need for improvement. This rating indicates the officer has demonstrated a pattern of consistently unacceptable performance in a particular critical task. However, a particularly serious performance issue could trigger an immediate CHP 118 rating of ________. A rating of _________will always result in the initiation of interim reporting. Refer to paragraph 4.a.(2)(c) for interim reporting procedures. HPM 10.10 3-5 D 3
A CHP 100 is not required for officers off duty the entire calendar month (e.g., extended absence covered under Labor Code Section 4800.5, long-term military leave). A CHP 100 is not required for officers assigned as a _________ in the Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP). Evaluation of FTEP trainees shall be accomplished utilizing the methods outlined in HPM 10.11, Field Training and Evaluation Program. HPM 10.10 3-6 3 3(A)
The supervisor shall complete the critical task ratings, the Supervisor’s Comments, and Occupational Safety Tip sections of the CHP 100, following instructions provided in the ATS Training Manual. The supervisor’s comments shall be followed by their _____ to identify the source of the comment. The Written Recognition section of the CHP 100 shall also be completed when indicated. The supervisor shall electronically sign the form by checking the appropriate signature box prior to notifying management the form is ready for review and comments. HPM 10.10 3-7 4 (C).
CHP 118: Probationary Officers. The probationary period is the final part of the selection process. It affords the rater the opportunity to determine whether or not the officer meets established performance standards. Probationary officers shall receive written performance appraisals within ____days of the end of 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months. The 12-month report shall serve as the final probationary report. probationary officer is not to complete the probationary period with a Deficient rating for any critical task. If necessary, a rejection during probation shall be initiated. For information on rejection during probation, refer to HPM 10.2, Internal Investigations Manual. HPM 10.10 3-12 4-2 (a).
Completion and Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports. An annual performance appraisal shall be completed and submitted to HRS, PFS, within _______ days following the officer’s anniversary date of appointment in the current job classification. HPM 10.10 3-13 b-1.
Discussing Officer Appraisals.Informal Discussion.Prior to completing an officer’s annual performance appraisal, the rater _____ meet with the officer to discuss the officer’s job performance during the past 12-month period. HMP 3-15 3 (a) 1
Discussing Officer Appraisals. At the beginning of the informal discussion, the officer should be given a copy of the preliminary ratings. Areas of disagreement, if any, should be resolved whenever possible. If a ________ rating is to be assigned for any critical task, the officer shall be made aware of the requirement to be placed on interim reporting and an interim reporting plan shall be developed. HMP 3-15 3 (a) 4
Discussing Officer Appraisals. At the beginning of the informal discussion, the officer should be given a copy of the preliminary ratings. Areas of disagreement, if any, should be resolved whenever possible. If a Deficient rating is to be assigned for any critical task, the officer shall be made aware of the requirement to be placed on interim reporting and an interim reporting plan shall be developed. HMP 3-15 3 (a) 4