HPM 50.1 CH. 1-2 Flashcards
The basis for California emergency preparedness responsibilities are contained in Executive Orders W-9-91 (Annex A) and D-67-03 (Annex B), the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Together, these form the foundation for the Department’s _________________________. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-3)
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
Section _____ of the California Vehicle Code (CVC)–Establishes authority for the CHP to enforce laws on all highways in which the Department holds primary jurisdictional responsibility. Accordingly, the CHP is responsible for assuming IC at any incident occurring within the Department’s jurisdiction. This section also directs the CHP to assume the duties and responsibilities of providing protection to state property and employees and to provide for the physical security of constitutional officers. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-4)
Section 2400 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC)–Establishes authority for the CHP to enforce laws on all highways in which the Department holds primary jurisdictional responsibility. Accordingly, the CHP is responsible for assuming IC at any incident occurring within the Department’s jurisdiction. This section also directs the CHP to assume the duties and responsibilities of providing protection to state property and employees and to provide for the physical security of ___________________. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-4)
constitutional officers
All employees are required to review their command-specific EOP ________. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-5)
In order to maintain readiness and test the effectiveness of emergency plans, all field commands shall conduct or participate in at least ___ emergency preparedness exercises annually. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-5).
It is the responsibility of each _________to ensure personnel meet NIMS/SEMS HPM 50.1 1-6 training requirements in accordance with departmental directives as well as those dictated by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-5)
All communications center commanders and Area commanders overseeing a dispatch center shall complete a documented _______ inspection of all equipment designated for use in support of the command-specific EOP. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-5)
The__________________ is a major component of NIMS/SEMS and continues to be the Department’s primary response tool for managing emergency incidents. Commanders shall use this manual as a guide for policy issues related to implementation of ___ as contained in Chapter 2, Emergency Incident Management and the________________, of this manual. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-6)
Incident Command System (ICS), ICS, Incident Command System (ICS)
Actions taken and tasks assigned in response to emergency incidents will comply with the following departmental goals (HPM 50.1, p. 1-6):
- Prevent loss of life and injuries.
- Prevent property damage.
- ________________.
- ________________.
- Protect public and state assets.
Maximize service to the public
Assist allied agencies
California Highway Patrol Headquarters, _________________________________, will function as the Department’s statewide Department Operations Center (DOC) for coordination of departmental resources committed to major disasters. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-9)
Emergency Notification and Tactical Alert Center (ENTAC)
The ICS shall be used as the response mechanism for all emergency incidents. Uniformed employees of the Department shall exercise incident command responsibilities and manage emergency incidents where the Department has _____________________. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-5)
primary investigative authority
When a local jurisdiction establishes an Emergency Operations Center, the local CHP Area ______ provide a departmental representative of a rank appropriate to the severity of the incident, if requested and available. The designated representative will keep the local CHP Area informed on matters involving decisions affecting the Department. (HPM 50.1, p. 1-12).
The __________________ replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System. This new system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector (HPM 50.1, p. 1-11).
National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)
Area commanders are responsible for emergency incident planning and overall coordination of emergency incident activities occurring at all locations within their Areas where the Department has ____________________. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-4)
primary investigative authority
In instances where the deployment of departmental resources may be required in support of local governments or agencies using the ICS, written memoranda of understanding and/or interagency agreements _______ be developed and may be integrated into existing local
It is the Department’s intent that a supervisor or manager respond to and assume incident command responsibilities at all emergency incidents within the Department’s primary investigative authority involving multiagency or multijurisdictional events, incidents on state property, ____________________, situations significantly impacting traffic management, or as otherwise required by departmental policy. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-5)
hazardous materials spills or releases
California Highway Patrol uniformed personnel _____ assume incident command at emergency incidents where the Department has primary investigative authority. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-6)
Incident command responsibility shall be assumed by the _____ CHP uniformed officer on-scene until relieved by appropriate departmental supervisory/management personnel. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-6)
The CHP has been assigned responsibility for emergency incident management at emergencies where the Department has primary investigative authority. The authority for these responsibilities is contained in the California Vehicle Code, _________ Code, and _______ Code (Annex B). (HPM 50.1, p. 2-9)
Health and Safety, Penal
The span-of-control for CHP ICS operations should generally be limited to a maximum of ___-to-___ ratio (__ supervisor to __ subordinates). (HPM 50.1, p. 2-11)
one, eight, one, eight
There are five basic ICS functions (HPM 50.1, p. 2-16):
(1) Command or Command Staff.
(2) Operations Section.
(3) Planning/Intelligence Section.
(4) _____________.
(5) _____________.
(4) Logistics Section.
(5) Finance Section.
If information indicates the threat is beyond the capabilities of on-duty command personnel to manage/control, the on-duty supervisor or officer in-charge may initiate a ___________. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-19)
tactical alert
California Highway Patrol personnel shall respond to “officer needs assistance” or “__________________” requests unless directed otherwise by a supervisor. The on-duty supervisor shall evaluate and determine the degree of response necessary to meet the need. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-18)
emergency traffic assistance
The ranking on-duty manager/supervisor _____ ensure that a departmental representative responds to the scene to establish liaison with allied agencies. The AREP should have the authority to commit CHP resources. The CHP representative’s rank should be commensurate with the size of the incident. (HPM 50.1, p. 2-19)