GO 32.1 to 40.6 Flashcards
- (Live scan) GENERAL. The Department procured Live Scan (LS) terminals to improve traffic safety and the service provided to the school pupil and developmentally disabled persons’ transportation industry. Additionally, LS terminals improve ________ _______ in relation to cadet and nonuniformed personnel hiring processes, Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) Program, Regulated Special Purpose Vehicle (RSPV) Program, Rotation Tow Program (RTP), evidence tow truck drivers, and Transportation Management Center (TMC) personnel. The use of LS terminals allows the CHP to expeditiously submit fingerprints to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and obtain prompt results. GO 32.1 1-1
departmental operations
- (Live scan) POLICY. The LS terminals are intended for the sole function of fingerprinting persons for certification, licensing, or ___________ purposes as required by the following departmental programs: cadet selection/hiring, nonuniformed personnel hiring, School Pupil and Farm Labor Transportation Safety Program, FSP Program, RSPV Program, Senior Volunteer Program, Motorcycle Safety Program, student interns, RTP tow truck drivers/operators/managers, TMC personnel, and contracted employees (janitors, consultants, technicians, evidence tow truck owners and drivers, etc.). The LS terminals shall not be used for any other purpose. No additional software shall be loaded on this device. GO 32.1 1-3
- (Live scan) FEES. Fingerprinting fees shall be charged in accordance with the procedures of the specific program. No additional fees shall be charged for the use of a departmental LS terminal. Fingerprinting fees collected will be submitted on a ________ basis with the CHP 230, Transmittal Record, in accordance with Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 11.1, Administrative Procedures Manual, Chapter 4, Miscellaneous Sales – Transmittal of Collections. GO 32.1 2-7
- (Live scan) NO LONGER INTERESTED. When the Department no longer has a relationship with an _________ that requires a Subsequent Arrest Notification (SAN) from the DOJ, notification shall be made to the DOJ to end the relationship and stop the SAN reports. This is done using the No Longer Interested (NLI) features available in the Applicant Agency Justice Connection (AAJC) portal by authorized personnel. Refer to paragraph 10 for the use of the AAJC portal. GO 32.1 2-8
- (Live scan) SECURITY. The Divisions and Areas shall ensure security procedures taken for other departmental hardware are also taken for LS terminals in accordance with HPM 40.4, Information Security and Administration Manual. Live Scan terminals transported out of a Division or Area office shall not be left unattended by the person checking out the system. The Divisions and Areas shall ensure LS terminals have a departmental property sticker and are included as part of the _____ inventory. GO 32.1 3-8
- EV Charging stations: GENERAL. In compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order (EO) B-16-2012, EO B-18-2012, and the Department of General Services Management Memo 16-07, Zero-Emission Vehicle Purchasing and Electric Vehicle Equipment Infrastructure Requirements, the Department has procured and installed Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) at many facilities throughout the state. These charging stations are primarily intended to charge ______-owned electric vehicles (EVs) but are available for use, at no cost, by departmental employees and the public (when installed in public parking areas) when not in use by a _______-owned EV. GO 32.2 1.1
- EV Charging stations POLICY. The EVCSs are intended for the sole use of charging EVs and shall not be used for any other purpose. Employees shall exercise care and regard when utilizing EVCS, taking into account the demands for EVCS at their work location and the needs of other employees to access the EVCS. The following shall apply:
a. State-owned EVs have priority when utilizing all EVCS.
b. When parked in designated charging spaces, all vehicles shall be plugged in and actively charging. All vehicles shall be moved from designated charging spaces upon attaining a ______ charge.
c. To ensure the safety of people and property, employees shall only utilize the dedicated plug to charge their vehicle and are prohibited from using after-market splitting devices or extension cords.
d. Use of the EVCS is on a first-come, first-served basis and is not guaranteed. At any time, the state may revoke the use of an EVCS or implement “Payment to Charge”.
e. The CHP shall not be held liable for any vehicle damage resulting from improper use of an EVCS or from charging a vehicle in a manner inconsistent with this GO.
f. When not in use by a state-owned EV, EVCSs within the secured parking lot are available to departmental employees during their work hours only.
g. The EVCSs within the public parking area may be programmed to offer charging only during business hours. Contact Facilities Section (FS) for assistance with this programming.
h. Electric vehicles can only be charged using an EVCS. Charging EVs from any other electrical outlet at a CHP facility is prohibited.
i. Commands with EVCSs should incorporate Area-specific rules for EVCS use into their Standard Operating Procedures. GO 32.2 1&2 3 (a -I)
- EV Charging stations REQUESTS. Requests for additional EVCSs shall be documented on a CHP 107, Facility Alteration/Reconfiguration Justification, and submitted through the appropriate chain of command to FS. The justification should include the need for additional EVCS to charge state-owned EVs. An increased number of _______-owned EVs does not justify the need for additional EVCS at a facility. GO 32. 2. 5
- Research and planning POLICY. The Department will cooperate in _________ or other research studies directly related to traffic safety or which could result in a substantial benefit to law enforcement or departmental operations. GO 40. 2. 1.1
- Speed Monitoring: Area commanders (with concurrence from their Division) are responsible for replying to requests from Caltrans for information pertaining to the raising or lowering of a ______ ______ speed limit on any segment of a state highway. GO 40.3 3a
prima facie
- Combined roadway: Section 38026 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) establishes criteria for permitting a local authority, an agency of the federal government, or the director of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to designate a portion of a highway for combined use, subject to the California Highway Patrol’s (CHP) approval. Combined use means off-highway motor vehicles may travel on the designated highway portion. The highway must meet the following criteria:
(1) The highway must provide a connecting link between:
A. Off-highway motor vehicle trail segments; or
B. An off-highway motor vehicle recreational use area and necessary _________ _____; or
C. Lodging facilities and an off-highway motor vehicle recreational facility. GO 40.5 a 1a
service facilities
- Combined roadway: All requests to designate a highway for combined-use received by an Area or Division shall be forwarded to the _______ Commissioner, Field, through channels. The request shall be accompanied by comments and recommendations from the appropriate Area and Division concerning traffic safety hazards. GO 40.5 2(a).
- Departmental grants: The purpose of the departmental grants program is to provide alternative funding sources to augment, but not _______ , activities conducted in support of the mission of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). GO 40.6 1 a
- Departmental grants: Program implementation includes the establishment of new programs or techniques, and the related training of personnel. Programs should be designated to eliminate a _______ in the Department’s traffic safety program, expand an existing program, or provide guidelines for improving or developing a departmental program consistent with the criteria identified in the California Traffic Safety Program. GO 40.6 4 4
- Departmental grants: Highway safety funds ______ be used for program maintenance, research, highway design, construction, or maintenance. GO 40.6 4 6
- Departmental grants: Grants ______only be used for the purpose and by the commands for which they were justified. GO 40.6 6 5d
- Departmental grants: Commands authorized to use specific ______ funds shall only use the number of overtime hours/dollars allocated by the OPI coordinator. GO 40.6 15 c 3
- Departmental grants: No grant “category” budget, or “line item” budget within a category, shall be ______spent. GO 40.6 15 c 3