Histology - Respiration Images Flashcards
Hyaline cartilage and trachealis mm - patency support
Kulchitsky cells - Amine Precursor Uptake & Decarboxylation (AUPD) - neuroendocrine cells
Smooth muscle, no cartilage, and aveoli. Is a branchiole.
Visceral pleura - Mesothelium (M, simple squamous epithelium) and thin layer of loose connective tissue
Brounchus Associated Lymphatic TIssue - BALT
Phagocytotic cells - dust cells - TEM, c= capillar, e = RBC, m = macrophage
Emphysema - breakdown of interalveolar septum, ‘air trapping’ in large spaces, reduced air exchange.
Pseudostratified Epi, seromucous glands, hyaline cart. NO aveoli, so much be Trachea or Main Bronchus
Congenital Hiatal (diaphragmatic) Hernia - associated with Potter’s Sequence (Oligohydramnios)
Fibroblast - Synthesizes CT ECM
Clara cells (CC, Cl) - dome shaped. Increase as descend branchiolar tree, secrete surfactant, lysozyme, anti-inflammatory ptoreins
Cuboidal epithelial cells - account for 60% of alveolar lining cells - line 5% of alveolar lumen
Lung small cell carcinoma
Opening of alveolar duct (into alveolar sac)
Bronchioles (incl. terminal bronchioles) - Simple cuboidal epithelium, NO goblet cells!