Histology - Muscle Tissue Images Flashcards

Thin Filament

Smooth Muscle - Longitundinal and cross sectional

Myoepithelial - Eccrine Sweat Glands - ecotoderm derived

Smooth Muscle - trichrome

Cardiac Muscle - striated, derived from mesoderm, rich capillary beds in intercellular connective tissue

Muscle Spindle

Myoepithelial - Eccrine Sweat Glands - ecotoderm derived


Smooth Muscle

macula adherens (desmosomes) - cardiac tissue

Contracting thin and thick filaments in hexagonal pattern

Purkinje Fibers

Type II skeletal muscle - fast glycolytic - anaerobic respiration

Cardiac Muscle

Neuromuscular synapse showing junctional folds and synaptic vessels

Duchenne muscular dystrophy skeletal muscle

Myosin Molecule

Intercalcated Discs in Cardiac Tissue

Type 1 Skeletal Muscle - slow oxidative - aeroboic respiration

Skeletal Muscle Cross Section

fascia adherens (zonula adherens)


corckscrew nucleus


Neuromusclular synapse

Skeletal Muscle

Thick Filament

Cardiac muscle - cross section