Histology - Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Liver images Flashcards

Perisinusoidal space of Disse.
Microvilli of hepatocytes extend into this space, allowing proteins and other plasma components from the sinusoids to be absorbed by the hepatocytes. Fenestration and discontinuity of the endothelium facilitates this transport

Endothelial lining of hepatic sinusoidal capillaries - no basal lamina.

Portal Area - Branvch of portal vein (large), branch of hepatic artery (smaller lumen), and interlobular bile duct.

Centrilobular necrosis - necrosis near central vein.
Liver dysfunction due to venous congestion, usually cardiac dysfunction, i.e. right heart failure or (less specifically) congestive heart failure.

Unnamed space is perisinusoidal space (or space of Disse).
This space may be obliterated in liver disease, leading to decreased uptake by hepatocytes of nutrients and wastes (likebilirubin, for example).

Dark stain is Kupffer Cell. Migratory macrophages to hepatic sinusoids from monocytes during development.

Acinar cell with abundant RER and zymogen granules.

Acinar cell with abundant RER and zymogen granules.

Mucosal folds in empty gall bladder

Parenchyma of Liver with Ito Cells that store fat or fat soluble vitamins (like vitamin A). Inflammation can result in Ito cells transforming to myofibroblasts, resulting in collagen production, fibrosis, and cirrhosis.

Surface of cholangiocytes with numerous microvilli and one primary cilia per cholangiocytes.

Clusters of fenestrations within endothelial cell lining of sinusoidal capillary.

sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillary - liver

Active gall bladder with massive space between endothelial cells filled with water being pumped out of the cells to concentrate bile.

silver impregnation - reacts with glucagon-secreting cells to identify a cells.

Blue arrows is a light level bile caniliculis. Yellow circle is hepatocyte with 4 bile caniliculi with 4 lateral domains.

Central vein of liver that receives the blood mixed in the liver sinusoids and returns it to circulation via the hepatic vein.

A-Cells - granules with a dense spherical core surrounded by a clear area and then a membrane. D-Cells - membrane bound granules of moderately low density.

bile canaliculi - arrows indicate tight junctions. Projections are microvilli to increase surface area. No cells lining, perimeter is the plasma membrane of two adjacent hepatocytes.

A - acinar cells, C - centroacinar cells (pale).

Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillary - liver

Gall Bladder Epithelium. Simple columnar with nicro villi, oval nuclei basally located, abundant mitochondria (not visible here).

Islets of Langerhans - one islet may contain hundereds of cells, 1 million islets per pancreas. Pale staining, each islet is heavily vascularized.

Blue arrow is bile canaliculus, Green arrow is intrahepatic bile ductule.

K is Kupffer cell, Li is lipid Ito Cell, E is sinusoidal endothelial lining.

bile canaliculi - origin of biliary system.

Photomicrographs of rat liver stained for stored glycogen after 2 hour fast and 21 hour fast

Fenestrated capillary (type II) - note basal membrane. Found in pancreas.

Pancreatic acini - tubuloacinar serous glands. 40-50 acinar cells per pancreatic acinus. Basal lamina separates acinar from septa.

Kupffer Cells lining hepatic sinusoids.

Green - Portal (bile). Blue - Classic, Red - acinus.

Intrahepatic Bile Ductule lined by cholangiocytes. Primary cilia projecting into lumen.

Hepatocytes with hepatic sinusoids (with RBCs).

S - Hepatic Sinusoids. CV - central vein.
CV receives the blood mixed in the liver sinusoids and returns it to circulation via the hepatic vein.