Heart Failure and Acquired Heart Disease Flashcards
What is the pathophysiology of left sided heart failure?
Failure of left side to push adequate blood into systemic circulation leading to back up of blood flow/pressure
High LV pressure –> high LA pressure –> high pulmonary vein pressure
Veins get distended due to hypertension leading to fluid leakage from capillaries into lungs
What are the radiographic findings of left sided heart failure?
Dilated pulmonary veins
Interstitial to alveolar pattern (caduodorsal common)
What disease?
Left sided CHF
Interstitial-alveolar pattern in lungs, worse caudodorsally
What disease?
Left sided CHF
Interstitial-alveolar pattern in lungs, worse caudodorsally
What is the pathophysiology of right sided congestive heart failure?
Systemic venous congestion due to abnormal right heart function
Blood backs up to venous circulation –> vena cava, liver, spleen –> eventually get peritoneal and pleural effusion
What disease?
Right sided CHF
What disease?
Right sided CHF
What disease?
Right sided CHF
Free fluid in abdomen, enlarged CVC, pleural effusion, R heart enlargement
What does mitral valve insufficiency look like on radiographs?
LA enlargement (red)
+/- LV enlargement (orange)
Cough can be caused by compression of left caudal lobar bronchus (yellow)
What does dilated cardiomyopathy look like on radiographs?
Generalized cardiomegaly
LA dilation
PV and PA dilation
L sided CHF or R sided CHF
Rads can be normal
What disease?
LA enlargement
LA enlargement = red
Right caudal lobar vein enlargement = purple
What are the radiographic findings of heartworm disease?
Pulmonary hypertension causes MPA enlargement (yellow), RV enlargement, pulmonary arteries large and tortuous (red)
What lung pattern can be seen with heartworm disease?
Interstitial or alveolar
Focal or multi-focal to generalized
Possible R CHF
What disease?
Heartworm disease
Diffuse interstitial pattern
What disease?
Heartworm disease
What are the radiographic findings of pulmonary hypertension?
R heart enlargement
Large MPA
Large, tortuous pulmonary arteries
What disease?
Pulmonary hypertension
What disease?
Pulmonary hypertension
What are the radiographic findings of HCM?
LA enlargement
Generalized cardiomegaly
“Valentine shape” on DV/VD (LA enlargement)
Can develop L CHF (interstitial pattern –> pleural effusion)
What disease?
LA enlargement
What disease?
LA enlargement
What disease?
LA enlargement
What disease?
LA enlargement
What disease?
What disease?
Pleural effusion + interstitial pattern
What disease?
What disease?
HCM with CHF
What are the radiographic findings of pericardial effusion?
Variable cardiomegaly
Classic globoid appearance
Caudo-dorsal border sharp and curved (no LA bulge)
What disease?
Pericardial effusion
What are the abdominal manifestations of right heart failure?
Dilated CVC
What disease?
Pericardial effusion
What disease?
Pericardial effusion
What disease?
What disease?
Pericardial effusion