H7 - Exterior Structure Plans - LT #3 Flashcards
What type of regulation governs fence heights?
Municipal By-Laws
What is a flanking side yard?
In far corner lots, only one lot is designated as the front. The other line line abutting a street becomes the flanking side.
Why do corner lots have special fence height restrictions?
For visibility
Does making a shed movable or using fabric for a roof structure exempt a shed from requiring a building permit?
What type of fencing should be used in exposed high-wind areas?
A fence cladding that allows wind to pass through.
Most fence Lumber is treated with:
(ACQ) Alkaline Copper quaternary
For corner lots, only one lot line is designated as the front, and the other lot line abutting a street becomes:
Flanking side lot line
How is fence height determined?
By measuring vertically from grade shown on final lot grading plan as approved by subdivision approving officer, or finished grade on the low side of the retaining wall or fence.
Insurance companies may require a fence around pools whether or not there is a bylaw:
What is a Building provisions scheme?
CC and R
Besides By Laws, CC&R can:
Set requirements for fences.
When Building a fence:
Check the PROPERTY LAND TITLE for styles, finishes, materials or heights of Fence
Even though Code may not apply to fences and some accessory buildings: There is still a need to plan for:
High Wind Loads and Snow loads