F2 - Site Considerations - LT #1 Flashcards
What is an environmental impact assessment?
EIA identify or predict the biophysical effects of the project so that the decision makers can evaluate the project.
When are Environmental Impact assessments conducted?
Large projects such as mines, dams and pipelines.
Environmental Impact assessments lead to what?
For the contractor, EIA lead to an environmental plan that will include items such as tree protection, sediment, erosion control and removal of hazardous materials.
Who can attempt to move trees and shrubs?
Only qualified technicians.
Carpenters are not involved in transplanting trees, but involved in what?
Provide a protective barricade that are to remain in place on a busy work site.
What is sediment and erosion control?
Sites cannot drain unfiltered water into municipal storm drains, the sediment and contaminants commonly found in water must be filtered or treated before it is released into storm drains.
Control of erosion, sloughing and cave-ins, especially on excavated slopes can include?
Control of erosion, sloughing and cave-ins, especially on excavated slopes can include:
Protection of tree roots, large tarps can reduce erosion and slow the drying of the exposed soil. Shot-Crete can be used to stabilize slopes.
What is BC one Call?
Confirm the loctation of underground services through BC ONE CALL
Construction drawings will show the exact locations of buildings and:
Hardscaping - such s driveways and parking areas.
The scale of large projects, especially those with overhead cranes will require:
Engineering planning
When planning temporary facilities, it is useful to plan them near:
Permanent location of the power pole and a temporary connection to the buildings.
All sites require an evacuation plan that includes:
Muster station
Entry and exit from busy roads on small sites may require:
Dedicated traffic control personnel.
Deliveries usually involve a mounted crane so proximity to:
Overhead powerlines should be avoided.
Wheel wash station:
PRevents dirt from being tracked off site
Temp services: Worth considering having these services roughed:
Into their permanent locations with temp. constructions.
What is demobilization?
At various stages and at the end of the project: personnel, equipment & surplus supplies need to be removed from the job site. Including temp. offices, first aid station, and lunch room.
Demobilization may require:
Traffic control, road colusures, specialized equipment.