F2 - Describe Hoardings - LT #3 Flashcards
Why are hoardings constructed?
To protect people who are not on the building site from hazards of the job site
Covered hoarding must have a weather tight roof that is:
Covered hoarding must have a weather tight roof that is:
Sloped toward project
Who determines whether a hoarding is adequate and gives the go-ahead for construction or demolition?
Local Building Authority
List two advantages of a covered hoarding which uses archway scaffold supporting a concrete form panel roof?
Advantages -
1) Large construction companies stockpile all materials used in them, thus cutting costs
2) When hoarding is dismantled, there is little mess and little garbage.
3) Stringers need not be cut, full sized and undamaged and can be used again.
Who determines whether the project is a hazard to the public?
Who determines whether the project is a hazard to the public:
What is a simple barricade hoarding usually?
Simple 38 x 89 mm single plate stud wall, sheathed with 7.5 mm or 9.5 mm plywood at 2.4 m high braced back to the site using stakes, fastened to the sidewalk by powder actuated fasteners.
Must be secure not to blow over by wind.
Describe building scaffold and plywood barricades?
Saving on labor and materials:
Scaffolding is set up along the sides of the site accessible to the public, and plywood can be attached with tie wire directly on to it facing the side walk, with its long side horizontal.
When is shored hoarding used?
Seals off the site and building from intruders and is often used on multi-level sites that are very close to sidewalks.
How is roofed hoarding built?
Framed in panel sections or as continuous wall, with the roof added later as in house framing.
When is verticla bracing hoarding used?
Angle bracing may not be possible if barricade is close to excavation.
It is then necessary to auger or drive vertical supports into embankments.
Lighting requirements for hoarding:
Builder must be able to provide at least as much lighting as was in existence before hoarding was erected.
Hoarding that extends into the roadway requires:
Warning lights.