B3 - Organize Work - LT #1 Flashcards
In how many divisions are specifications divided?
16 up to 2004, now 50, some contracts are 16.
Why must the specs be read with the drawings?
Specs are very detailed info about work to be done, drawings do not provide all the information as well. Complete spec = read specs in conjunction with the drawings.
Name the seven parts of contract documents.
Articles of agreement, definitions, general conditions, supplementary conditions, general requirements, drawings and addenda.
Where in the specifications would the general requirement be found for the project sign?
Specs: Divisions 1 General requirements
What is the difference between a “fixed sum” contract and a “target price” contract?
Fixed Sum = Contractor decides prices and does at cost.
Target price = similar except cost overruns or cost savings are split between owner and contractor.
What usually governs the length of the contract?
Value & complexity of the project.
Which is a larger scale drawing, 48:1 or 24:1
Verbal contracts just as binding as written contracts:
True, but easily disputed and rarely used.
Complexity of the contract is based on:
value and amount of details of projects
Provide means:
To supply and install
Substantial performance of work means:
When the work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the architect or engineer.
Substantial performance of work triggers:
Beginning of the holdback period
Beginning of the period of time within which builders liens can be filed, and the beginning of the warranty period.
For larger projects, substantial performance of work is known as:
substantial completion.
General conditions of a contractL:
They are the standard boilter plate clauses used to protect both parties, dealing with items such as: changes, defective work, strikes, insurance, bonding and similar issues.
Supplemental conditions of a contract:
General conditions may need changing. Additional clauses are added. Allowing standard contract forms to be used without any modifications.
Typically specifications cover what aspects:
Specs cover: grades & species of lumber, plus quality, brands and models for all components that go into a building project.
General requirements of a contract:
Deal with general things:
Rules of project, limiting hours of work, job site access, parking, signage, tree retention, temporary job site buildings and disposal of waste.
also admin. such as permits, approvals and coordination and scheduling with other contractors and suppliers.
What is an Addenda?
After doc. were prepared and before work commences, mistakes may be found or changes may be made to the project. Instead of revising the contract doc. an addenda is made.
After a contract is awarded, changes made are done with:
Change of order instead of Addenda.
If there is a conflict within contracts documents, the order of priority of documents from highest to lowest shall be:
1) Agreement between owner and contractor
Fixed sum contract:
known as stipulated price contract: most common and simplest.
Contractor determines the cost to build, and builds to price.
Unit price contract:
Contract is used when the extend of the work is difficult to determine prior to actually working.
Agreement is based on cost per unit.
Target pricing contract:
Target price contract is similar to the fixed sum except that cost over runs or cost savings are split between owner & contractor.
Cost plus contract:
Actual cost + agreed upon percent to cover profit and overhead is paid to the contractor. It will sometimes include a guarantee maximum price option.
Time and materials is:
When profit and overhead are included in the hourly labour rate.
What is a work order contract?
Simple two page fixed sum contract for simple projects valued less than 30,000
What is a construction agreement?
Fixed sum contract used for projects valued less than 400,000
What is a CCDC-2?
Fixed sum contract for large projects typically valued more than 400,000
Renovation contract:
Designed for renovation work only.
Design Build Contract:
Agreement is for both the design and construction of a project. Proponents are given a list of needs and conditions and they submit proposals and concept drawings.
What is an allowance?
Item such as cabinet, flooring, lights, etc. not chosen when contract is signed.
Change of work order:
Form needs to be signed each time the owner asks for a change. Change must be clearly described.
What is a holdback and builders lien act?
10% holdback is withheld from all progress payments until 55 days after “substantial performance”.
Giving subs and suppliers time to file a builders lien against title of property.
What is the planning for the location and servicing of temporary facilities based on?
What, when & Where?
What determines the location of access routes, temporary facilities and services, and storage areas?
Location of permanent buildings & hardscaping.
What may be required for vehicles and vehicle-related activities.
Roadways, turnarounds, loading, delivery, parking areas, and wheel wash
What are temporary facilities and services?
Anything required temporarily for projects - including offices, first aid, water, gas and electrical services.