FMS Flashcards
Puepose of the FMS
~manage automatic navigation
~optimise flight perfromance and fuel efficiency
~generate info on flight deck displays
Fms comprise of:
~FMCS: flight managemnt computer system
~AFDS: autopilot/ flight director
~AT: auto throttle
Flight control unit ,is for airbus
Mode control panel ,for boeing
In airubus if switch are pulled towards the pilot ,the pilot is in control,if the button is presses towards forward then a/c in control
Cross talk bus
Is a data bus,
Fmc has 2 data base
~perfromance database
~navigation database
Navigation database
~place/bearing/distance (PBD)
~place /bearing PLACE/BEARING (PBX)
~place/distance (PD)
Publish every 28 days (56 days for major changes) on set dates specified in the AIRAC cycle.information is issued 42 days in advance so that it is received no later than 28 days prior to the effective date
NAV aids Order of priority
~2 or more DME stations
~localiser and co located DME
FMS other input
~from ADC
~air/gorund sensing logic
~flap position
~sensors for measuring fuel contents
FMC control
~Controlled via Vnav Lnav
~crew moitor flight progress ,managed guidance
FMS programming
~ident page,who am I
~position initialising,where am I
~route initialising,where am I going to
~performance, where will I get there
Cost index
0 is most efficient
200 is least economical
FMS computation in flight
~inertial computations
~information from sensors
~information from on board database
If FMS lose GPS input in gflight it will bo longer be able to perforom a gps (RNP/pbn) approach
~Adirs priortises GPS information over radio information