Flight Director Flashcards
Auto flight contorl system (AFCS)
~reduce workooad
~enehance accuracy
~minimise the loads on the flight controls
Flight director
Can be followed by pi.ot and autopilot
Flight director
~generates cues for guidance required pitch and roll attitude
auto coupling, when the a/c folows the command of the pilot or autopilot of the command bars
~flight pathc is determined by :
Fmc pre program route or pilot selection on mcp
Eadi(electronic attitude direction indicator )
The first switch of flight director to switch on beocmes the master one
Fds. Flight. Director system
~Is a solid state digiatal computer with pitch and roll channels
~uslaly 2 indipendily powered flight control computers on eqach a/c
~the left fcc operates the captain and right fcc the difsrty officer fd
Commmnds bars creadyed by symbol generteors
Tactical commands
Strategic commands
Afgs autopilot guide system
Airbus flight mode ananuciator
Columun 1: authothrust modes
2 vetical modes
3 lateral modes
4 approach capability
5 current autolightfacilteis