flashcard fluency
truth of theories is determined by how well it works in practice
think: practical
choosing the simplest explanation before considering complex ones
hint: simplest explanation
behavior influenced by its consequences, strengthened or weakened through reinforcement or punishment (ontogeny)
operant behavior
hint: behavior
learning process where behavior is shaped by its consequences, increasing or decreasing based on reinforcement or punishment
operant conditioning
hint: learning process, based on reinforcement & punishment
when a behavior is altered based on the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus
stimulus control
hint: behavior is altered
environmental variable that alters the value of a reinforcer or punisher and alters frequency of related behavior
motivating operation
hint: alters value of reinforcer
behavior is modified by its consequences, regardless of awareness
automaticity of reinforcement
theory/assumption that behavior evolves and is maintained by consequences (function)
hint: theory/assumption, behavior evolves
behavior learned directly by experience with contingencies
contingency-shaped behavior
hint: contingencies
a specific change in behavior caused by manipulating the environment
functional relation
procedure testing variable relations
hint: procedure testing
demonstrates functional relations between environmental variables and behavior
functional analysis
hint: demonstrates
fictitious/hypothetical variable that tries to explain behavior without evidence
explanatory fiction
hint: explain without evidence
presumed but unobservable process or entity (e.g. Freud’s id)
hypothetical construct
hint: unobservable
focuses on the behavior’s structure (what the behavior is)
e.g. a child screams loudly and stomps their feet