Domain E Flashcards
individual who holds BCBA or BCaBA certification or who has submitted a complete application for BCBA or BCaBA certification; refers to those required to act in accordance with the Code
The Code’s Definition of Behavior Analyst
- Benefit others
- Compassion, dignity, respect
- Integrity
- Competence
4 core principles underlying the ethics code
Protecting welfare and rights of clients above all others
Benefit others
Behaving equitably towards others regardless of factors such as age, ethnicity, gender, disability, etc
Compassion, dignity, respect
Fulfulling responsibilities (behaving honestly, trustworthy, following through on obligations, accountability for our work and that of our supervises/trainees
Remaining within profession’s scope of practice; remaining current, increasing knowledge of best practices and advances in ABA, and participating in professional development
The professional activities a behavior analyst can consistently perform with proficiency (e.g. specific interventions, behaviors, age-groups, diagnoses, etc)
don’t confuse with scope of practice!!
The Code’s definition of scope of competence
Harmful consquences for unethical behavior include:
physical or emotional harm, inedequate training results in poor quality service delivery, unfari or inequitable client treatment, etc.
disciplinary actions imposed by the BACB for ethical violations; include professional development and mentorship
corrective actions
corrective actions for a code violation include:
professional development, mentorship, verification of competency, product submission
__________= disciplinary actions imposed by the BACB that place a restirction on an individual’s ability to practice; these consequences are posted on the BACB website in the subject’s Registry record until the __________ requirements are fulfilled
5 sanctions
Invalidation= certificate invalidation; when eligibility requirements were not met, and were obtained unethically and illegitimately
Revocation= certificate revocation; an individual’s certificate is terminated; after the revocation period, individual can apply for post-revocation re-entry and a committee decides to approve or deny it
Suspension= certification or eligibility suspension; individual’s certification cannot be used or cannot apply for certification for specified time period
Practice= practice restriction; certificant’s ability to practice is limited (e.g. b/c they cannot work in certain settings or with certain populations) for a period of time
Supervision= mandatory supervision; individual is required to recieve supervision from an approved individual to address concerns related to the violations
scope of competence VS scope of practice?
scope of competence= specific areas within your scope of practice in which you have adequate training, experience, and expertise to deliver services effectively.
scope of practice= range of services or activities you’re legally and permitted to perform based on education, certification, and licensure.
delivery of information in a public forum for the purpose of either better informing that audience or providing a call to action. This includes advertising, brochures, CV or resumes, comments for use in media
public statements
any solicited or unsolicited recommendation in any form, from a client, stakeholder, supervised, trainee, affirmingthe benefits received from a behavior analyst’s product or service
digital platform found through a web browser where an entity produces and distributes digital content for the consumption of users online ; users can consume, create, copy, download share, or comment on the digital content
digital platform found through a web browser or application, where users can consume, create, copy, download share, or comment on posts or advertisements
social media channel
information that is made available for online consumption, downloading, or distribution through an electronic medium (TV, radio, ebook, website, social medal, video game, application, computer, smart device). Includes documents, pictures, videos, audio files
digital content
anyone other thant the direct recipient of services, primary caregiver, legally authorized representative, or BCBA.
Think aba involves 2 parties, the client party and the treatment team party, Anyone else somehow associated with the client is a __________.
co-mingling of 2 or more of a behavior analyst’s roles with a client (e.g. personal and professional), stakeholder, supervisee, trainee, research participant, or someone closely associated with or related to the client
multiple relationship
incompatibility between a behavior analyst’s personal/private, financial, and professional interests, resulting in risk or potential risk to services provided to, or the professional relationship with, a client, stakeholder, supervisee, trainee, or research participant. (e.g. external pressures compromising ethical decision making)
conflict of interest
awareness of personal biases and cultural humility; “soft skills”; allows for effective, compassionate, culturally-responsive, high-quality feedback delivery and discussions; include accountability, mistakes, being timely when communicating with others
interpersonal skills
ongoing process of self-reflection and lifelong learning that involves recognizing and addressing one’s own prejudices and implicit and explicit biases; requires continuous, critical examination of one’s behavior, beliefs, and assumptions, particularly in interactions with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds
cultural humility
practice of engagins with individuals and communities in a way that fully honors and acknowledges their unique cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives
cultural responsiveness
3 supervisory roles
__________= oversees individuals providing behavior services (i.e. RBTs, BCaBAs, behavior technician) and individuals working toward obtaining certification
__________= directly conducts or oversees assessments of individuals pursuing RBT certification or maintaining their RBT
__________= develops and/or provides RBT 40 hr training and/or oversees individuals who provide the RBT training
human rights, legal rights, rights codified within behavior analysis, and organization rules designed to benefit the client
client’s rights
- Beneficience (do good) and non-maleficence (do no harm)
- Fidelity and responsibility
- Integrity
- Justice
- Respect for an individual’s rights and dignity
Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct
a federal court ruling that protects a client by limiting the duration of, and placing conditions on the use of, a time-out procedure. An inmate sued a prison for cruel and unusual punishment) after being forced to spend long periods of time in solitary confinement). this court case is called __________
Hancock vs Avery
federal law that gives students with diabilities the right to have a free, appropriate public education, individualized education plan (IEP), and guarantees the student’s parents have rights (e.g. in IEP meetings, the right to request due process if an agreement isn’t reached)
IDEA; Individuals with Disabilities Act
laws that apply to professionals who regularly interact with children and vulnerable adults, requiring them to report suspected abuse, neglect, financial exploitation to child protective services or other relevant authorities; failure to report can result in civil penalties and/or criminal prosecution
mandated reporting
__________ requires that assessments and educational treatment; a statement generated by the Association for Behavior Analysis International Task Force that outlines recommendations for effective education, derived from principles that have been demonstrated to improve all student learning and performance.
Requires that assessment and treatments:
- are based on research demonstrating effectiveness
- address functional relations between behavior and environment
- are monitored and evaluated on a a systematic and ongoing basis
- only be considered when likely to be effective, based on empirical evidence and assessment results
The right to effective education
a statement developed by the Association for Behavior Analysis International Task Force, explaining their position on a client’s right to effective behavioral treatment as a set of guiding principles designed to protect individuals from harm as a result either the lack of, or inappropriate use of, behavioral treatment.
Basic client rights include:
- therapeutic environment
- overriding goal: personal welfare
- treatment by a competent behavior analyst
- acquisition of functional skills
- ongoing evaluation and assessment
- most effective treatments available
the right to effective behavioral treatment
statement generated by a task force authorized by the Executive Council of Association for Behavior Analysis International. Defines and explains uses of restraint, seclusion, and time-out procedures. Requires informed consent, oversight, and monitoring. Addresses what constitutes necessity for emergency procedures.
3 main areas
- welfare of client is first priority
- right to choose; clients have the right to be involved in decisions about treatment
- principle of least restrictiveness
statement on restraint and seclusion
federal court ruling establishing that involuntarily institutionalized individuals with mental illness or intellectual disabilities have the constitutional right to personal treatment with minimum standards of care, which includes the right to individualized treatment plans, safe and sanitary living conditions, and adequate staffing. Sought to transition individuals from large institutions to community-based care settings. Includes:
- humane psychological environement (eliminates unnecessary meds, physical restraint, isolation, experimental research, unwanted tx procedures such as lobotomy and shock tx); access to adequate food, medical care, clothing, exercise, and religious practice
- qualified staff to implement effective tx
- individualized treatment plans
Wyatt VS. Stickney