Final 8 Flashcards
Sheep are used for?
- meat production
- dairy
- fibre/wool production
- Lifestyle flock
Sheep milk is mainly used for?
cheese production
-high in butter fat
Goats are used for?
- dairy
- pets
- meat
- Fibre(mohair, cashmere) production
Meat sheep/ goat production
Breeding at 7 months of age (during fall)
-females joined with males, breeding exposure 30-42 days
-females gestate 150 days
Females give birth in the spring
-if bred in novemeber will give birth in march-april
Lambs/kids are weaned at 60 days of age
-some may wean up to 4 months
Lambs/kids marketed at weights from 50lb to 100lb
Replacement females bred at 7 months of age
Lifecycle of a diary goat
Does are exposed to the buck- natural breeding. Breeding exposure 30 to 42 days
Usually ~7 months into lactation
Does gestate 150d
Does freshen in spring
Kids removed at birth
Doeling reared on milk replacer for 2 months(buck kids often sold at few day of age)
Seasonality in Ewes and Does
-days shorten in fall and lengthen after chirstmas
-sheep and goat- short day breeders
June- detect shorter days, melatonin signals ovaries to cycle
May-June worst time to get pregnant
August transition season
September-December ovulating
Induction/sychronization of estrus
tight lambing/kidding period
iduction allows for out season lambing/kidding
CIDR progesterone-used for lambs/cows
Marketed year round
CIDR program
Don’t know where sheep/goats in cycle
Natural source of progesterone
Leave in long enough so ovaries not in normal cycle anymore
Remove no longer than 24 hours after implanting
Need more rams now, since all ewes cycle at the same time
Breeding in the Anovulztory Season
Progesterone supplementation not sufficient
Stimulate follicle development and ovulation
Dairy goat breeding
Ram will have crayon on breeding harness that leaves mark on does once he tries to mount her
-gives idea of breeding activity and when doe will kid
AI for goats and sheep
during estrus easier to service for goats
sheep- hard to get through cervic
-using acroscopy- $$$ , into uterus
Induce estrus without hormones
- manipulating light/ photoperiod
- creates melatonin secretion, ovaries cycle
- fool dairy goats when winter, its spring
- rams more fertile at short day length
- more so dairy goats not as common in sheep
Infectious abortion
- abortion outbreaks common in sheep and goat
- Normally
Management of abortion
- diagnosis is critical to management (placentas and fetuses to vet diagnostic lab)
- Biosecurity and protection of farm workers important for infectious diseases
- Control much more effective than treatment
Common causes of abortions
- chlamydopilia abortus
- toxoplasma gondii (most common cause in sheep)
- coxiella burnetii Q fever (infection very common)(human disease)
- Campylobacter (sheep only)
Iodine Deficiency Goiter
Enlarged thyroids, still born or aborted fetuses
Not enough iodine in diet of pregnant ewes/does
Great lakes region deficient
Supplement throughout gestation
-cobalt iodized salt block
-available easily to them
Risk losses of lamb/kid
Hypothermia Mismothering Maternal underfeeding Infectiouns Injuries and Predation