Final 1 Flashcards
Pork export is the ______ highest farm gate income behind ______________?
wheat and canola
Canada exports over ____% of pork production
The health of the Canadian pig herd is important because of?
In addition to being a food source:
parts of pigs end up in anything from cosmetics to cement
- 100 000 pet pigs in NA
- models for human medical research
- source of human organ transplant
Why are no boars slaughtered in Canada
due to boar taint
Price paid for a specific pig=
carcass weight * carcass weight price * index
Swine economics
fixed costs -barn -borrowed capital Variable costs of production -feed costs are #1 expense
Why does the price of a market pig fluctuate?
supply and demand
USD/CAD exchange rate
Young female piglet called?
Barrow is?
castrated males
Types of pig farms
Breeding stock producers (genetic companies) farrow-to-finish farms farrow-to-wean farrow-to-feeder off-site nurseries weaner to finish grower to finish
Sows which produce breeding replacement stock and semen are ?
first generation crossbreds (YxL)
Piglets of crossbred sows are a ?
terminal cross D(YxL)
Genetic companies often have..?
syntehtic lines not purebreds
Most sow breeding is done?
Natural breeding requires what boar to sow ratio?
How long is a sows gestation?
115 days
Sows are farrowed in a crate because?
pen does not prevent flopping
the crate slows down descent
Piglets weaned at?
14-28 days old
All-in all-out type facilities
- room/barn filled all at once
- room/barn completely emptied and cleaned before new pigs enter
- decreased disease spread
Continuous barn types
new pigs constantly moved into room/barn
room/barn never completely empty
more risk of disease
Production phase: nursery move in/move out
move in at ~3 weeks old and 5kg
move out at ~10 weeks old and 25kg
Production phase: finishing
housed in groups
remain here until reach market weight
spend 100-120 days in finishing barn
Pigs are around what age when reach market weight?
6 months old