Exam 4 Ch 20 Flashcards
What is the apical meristem
Tissue present at the very top and very bottom of a plant
Can develop into the epidermal, ground and vascular tissues of a plant
3 Ground tissues
Found in all organs of a plant
May contain chloroplasts and carry out photosynthesis or store products for photosynthesis
Form bundles beneath the epidermis and give support to immature regions
Contain lignin which make plant cells walls tough and hard
Give support to mature regions
Vascular tissue that transports water and mineral solutes upward through the plant body
Vascular tissue that transports sugar in the form of sucrose and other materials
Epidermal layer in woody plants
Epidermis is replaced by cork made from meristem cells
Become waterproof a
Protects plant
Epidermal Layer in non woody plants
Covered by a waxy cuticle to minimize water loss and prevent disease
Contains stomata in leaves
1 cotyledon in seed
Root xylem and phloem in a ring
Vascular bundles scattered
Flower parts in 3s and multiples of 3
2 cotyledons in seed
Root phloem in between arms of xylem
Vascular bundles in a distinct ring
Flower parts in 4s or 5s and multiples of 4 and 5
Plants that lose their leaves during a particular season (Often for water conservation)
Plants that retain their leaves all year
Layers of a leaf
Waxy cuticle upper epidermis palisoade mesophyll air space spongey mesophyll lower epidermis
Waxy cuticle
Prevents water loss
Carries out photosynthesis
Vascular Tissue
Transports water and minerals to a leaf and the product of photosynthesis away from the leaf
Lower Epidermis
Contains stomata, allowing gas exchange
Zones of Roots
Zone of Cell Division
Zone of Elongation
Zone of Maturation
Zone of Cell Division
Contains dividing cells of apical meristem
As more cells are made, older cells get pushed into the zone of elongation
Zone of elongation
Cells lengthen and become specialized
Zone of Maturation
Contains full differentiated cells and epidermal cells with root hairs
What kind of nutrition do plants need
Require only inorganic nutrients to make their organic compounds
How are nutrients transported
Water and minerals are taken up by root hairs
WAter enters cells by osmosis
Water exits leaf and creates tension
Pressures that allow nutrients to move through a plant
Cohesion and Adhesion
Water molecules cling together(Cohesion)
Water molecules also stick to xylem walls (Adhesion)