Exam 3 Ch. 14 Flashcards
What were Darwins conclusions
Common Decent
Population Speciation
Natural Selection
Common Decent conclusion
All diversity on earth emerged out of the evolution of one or a few common ancestors
Evolution is a slow process
The world is much older than previously thought
Population Speciation
Change in a species occurs as hereditary characteristics shift
Natural Selection
Competition (struggle for life) is a reason a species may succeeed or not
Being able to adapt to the environment
Who Influenced Darwin
Lamarck Lyell Malthus Wallace Cuvier
How did Lamarck influence Darwin
Proposed species change over time by inheritance of acquired characteristics
How did Lyell influence Darwin
Geological processes have gradually shaped earths surface proposing that earth must be far older than previously thought
How did Malthus influence Darwin
Human populations grow faster than the resources they depend on. Weakest members will be killed off
How did Wallace influence Darwin
Confirmed Darwins ideas on evolution
How did Cuvier influence Darwin
The father of paleontology
He believed in catastrophism
Believed in fixity of species
What is catastrophism
The appearence of new forms as replacing old forms de to local catastrophe
Darwin vs. Lamarck Ideas
Darwin: Species suited to environment due to no will of their own
Natural selection is means for speciation
Lamarck: Evolution occured
Adaption is the cause of diversity
Inheritance of acquired traits
Complex forms come from less complex forms
Is Darwin or Lamarck supported by genetics?
How did Darwin and Lamarck agree?
Life changed over time and was still changing
Living things change to become better suited to their environment
All organisms are related
Evidence of Evolutionary Change
Fossil Evidence
Bio-geographical Evidence
Anatomical Evidence
Molecular Evidence
What is Fossil Evidence
Fossils trapped in rock strata are the fossil record that tells us about the history of life
Shows simple to complex organisms
What is Biogeographical Evidence
Study of distribution of organisms throughout the world. When forms are related they evolved in one locale and spread out to accessable regions
What is Anatomical Evidence
Vestigial, Homologus, Analogous structures
What is Molecular evidence
All living organisms use the same biochemical molecules including DNA ATP and nearly identical enzymes
Example of Fossil evidence
Mesonychid to common whale
Example of Biogeographical Evidence
Marsupials are only in Australia due to it floating away from south america and antarctica
Example of Anatomical Evidence
Whales and snakes both have reminants of hip bones, but no legs
Example of Molecular Evidence
Slight differences in the same genes`
Practicle uses for evolution
Evolution of diseases to help guide medications and vaccinations (FLU?)