Exam #2 Short Answer pt. 2 Flashcards
What are the three main stages of prenatal period?
- germinal
- embryonic
- fetal
The _________ stage occurs from 0 to 2 weeks.
The germinal stage occurs from __ to __ weeks.
The embryonic stage occurs from __ weeks to __ months.
The _________ stage occurs from 2 weeks to 2 months.
The ______ stage occurs from 2 months to birth.
The fetal stage occurs from __ months to birth.
What organs are formed during the germinal stage?
- initially formed cell begins to rapidly divide and multiply
- zygote migrates to uterus and implants on wall
- placenta is formed
What organs are formed during the embryonic stage?
- most of vital organs (heart, spine, brain) form
- embryo at about 2 weeks, neural tube just formed
What organs are formed during the fetal stage?
- muscles and bones develop
- sex organs develop in the 3rd month
- auditory system (peripheral) developed around 6 mo.
- neural development continues
What is the age of viability?
the point in which a baby can live outside of the womb
The age of viability occurs from __ to __ weeks
- 23 weeks ___% survival, if born prematurely
- 26 weeks 75% survival, if born prematurely
- 23 weeks 50% survival, if born prematurely
- ___ weeks 75% survival, if born prematurely
- ___ weeks 50% survival, if born prematurely
- 26 weeks 75% survival, if born prematurely
- 23 weeks 50% survival, if born prematurely
- 26 weeks ___% survival, if born prematurely
What is attachment?
Close, emotional bond between infants & caregivers
What are the 3 main types of attachment theories?
- secure
- anxious-ambivalent
- avoidant
Describe secure attachment.
- explore while caregiver is present, upset when she leaves
- Most common
- associated w/curiosity, leadership, resilience
Describe Anxious-Ambivalent attachement.
-shows moderate anxiety when caregiver is present, high anxiety when she leaves, moderate when she returns
Describe Avoidant attachment.
babies sought little contact with mothers and were not distressed when she left
List Piaget’s Stages of Development.
- Sensorimotor
- Preoperational period
- Concrete operational
- Formal operational
What occurs during Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage?
- object permanence- the understanding that an object still exists, even though it can’t be seen
- coordination of sensory input and motor responses; development of object permanence
What occurs during Piaget’s Preoperational stage?
- Centration- the tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem
- Irreversibility- the inability to envision reversing an action
- Egocentrism – limited ability to share another’s view point
What occurs during Piaget’s Concrete operational stage?
- Decentration – the ability to focus on more than just one feature of a problem
- Begin mastery of concrete operations, but struggle with hierarchical classification
- mental operations applied to concrete events; mastery of conversation, hierarchical classification
- Decline in egocentrism
What occurs during Piaget’s Formal operational stage?
mental operations, applied to abstract ideas; logical, systematic thinking