Chapter 11 pt. 2 Flashcards
Dog people had slightly higher scores on what factors of the five-factor model of personality?
- extraversion
- agreeableness
- conscientiousness
Cat people had slightly higher scores on what factors of the five-factor model of personality?
- neuroticism
- openness
psychodynamic theories-> descend from ________ ______’s work
Sigmund Freud
____________ theories-> descend from Sigmund Freud’s work
Psychoanalytic theories= years of data + ____________
Psychoanalytic theories= years of _____ + psychoanalysis
____________ theories= years of data + psychoanalysis
____________ theories attempts to explain personality, motivation, and psychological disorders.
Psychoanalytic theories attempts to explain __________, ________, and ____________ _________.
psychological disorders
Psychoanalytic Theories focused on the __________.
According to Sigmund Freud what are the three main structures of personality?
- id
- ego
- superego
What is the difference between id, ego, and superego?
id: instictive, primitive personaltiy component
ego: the decision-making component
superego: the moral component, incorporates social standards with morality
Which structure of personality is this according to Freud: operates using pleasure principle, which demands immediate satisfaction of urges?
Which structure of personality is this according to Freud: operates using the reality principle, process that delays gratification of id (i.e., the self-control component)?
Which structure of personality is this according to Freud: like the ego, the superego operates at all three levels of awareness?
What is behavior according Freud’s structure of personality?
behavior is the outcome of these three “battling”
Explain the conflict between the three components of Freud’s structure of personality.
id: gratify urges immediately
ego: holds urges in check w/reality
superego: holds urges in check w/ morality
These conflicts [between structures of personality] lead to _______, which causes the ego to construct _________ ____________, exercises in self-deception, as protection
defense mechanisms
What are Freud’s levels of Awareness?
- Conscious
- Preconscious
- Unconscious
Which level of consciousness is this: fully aware, includes processes induced from external (sensory) and internal (thoughts) sources?
Which level of consciousness is this: material just under the surface, retrievable?
Which level of consciousness is this: thoughts, memories, desires well under conscious awareness, BUT are able to influence conscious behavior?
What are the ego’s defense mechanisms?
- repression
- projection
- displacement
- reaction formation
- regression
- rationalization
- identification
- sublimation
Which ego defense mechanism is this: keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a traumatized soldier has no recollection of the details of a close brush with death
Which ego defense mechanism is this: attributing one’s own thoughts, feelings or motives to another
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a woman who dislikes her boss thinks she likes her boss but feels that the boss doesn’t like her
Which ego defense mechanism is this: diverting emotional feelings (usually anger) from their original source to a substitute target
Which ego defense mechanism is this: after a parental scolding, a young girl takes her anger out on her little brother
Which ego defense mechanism is this: behaving in a way that is exactly the opposite of one’s true feelings
reaction formation
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a parent who unconsciously resents a child spoils the child with outlandish gifts
reaction formation
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a reversion to immature patterns of behavior
Which ego defense mechanism is this: an adult has a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get his way
Which ego defense mechanism is this: creating false but plausible excuses to justify unacceptable behavior
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a student watches TV instead of studying, saying that “additional study wouldn’t do any good anyway
Which ego defense mechanism is this: bolstering self-esteem by forming an imaginary or real alliance with some person or group
Which ego defense mechanism is this: an insecure young man joins a fraternity to boost his self-esteem
Which ego defense mechanism is this: channeling unconscious, unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable or admirable activities
Which ego defense mechanism is this: a person obsesses with sex becomes a sex therapist and helps others with their sexual problems