Chapter 11 pt. 3 Flashcards
What are the stages of psychosexual development?
- oral (0-1)
- anal (2-3)
- phallic (4-5)
- latency (6-12)
- genital (puberty onward)
What is the erotic focus in the oral stage?
mouth (sucking, biting)
What is the erotic focus in the anal stage?
anus (expelling or retaining feces)
What is the erotic focus in the phallic stage?
genital (masturbating)
What is the erotic focus in the latency stage?
none (sexually repressed)
What is the erotic focus in the genital stage?
genitals (being sexually intimate)
What are the key tasks and experiences of the oral stage?
weaning (from breast or bottle)
What are the key tasks and experiences of the anal stage?
toilet training
What are the key tasks and experiences of the phallic stage?
identifying with Adult Role Models; Coping with Oedipal Crisis
What are the key tasks and experiences of the latency stage?
expanding social contracts
What are the key tasks and experiences of the genital stage?
establishing intimate relationships; contributing to society through working
Freud believed that fixation at the _____ stage led to obsessive eating and smoking
Freud believed that fixation at the oral stage led to obsessive _______ and ________
The anal stage may lead to ______ _________ and _________ due to harsh toilet training.
sexual difficulties
The anal stage may lead to sexual difficulties and resentment due to harsh ______ ________.
toilet training
The latency stage may lead to ______ their of same-sex parent.
The latency stage may lead to resent their of _____-____ parent.
At which stage of psychosexual development do sexual urges reappear?
genital stage
What is the difference between behaviorism and humanism?
behaviorism: theoretical perspective which suggests that only observable behavior should be studied
Humanism: theoretical perspective that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans
What is personality according to B.F. Skinner?
personality is a collection of responses that are tied to various stimulus situations
Social Learning Theory incorporates _______ _________ __________ with behaviorist principles.
internal cognitive processes
_______ __________ _______ incorporates internal cognitive processes with behaviorist principles.
Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory incorporates internal cognitive processes with __________ _________.
behaviorist principles
Was Albert Bandura a behaviorist or humanist?
According to Albert Bandura, when does observational learning occurs?
when an organism’s response is influenced by observing others (models)
According to Albert Bandura: Response tendencies are the product of __________.
According to Albert Bandura:
Personality characteristics can also be “_________” from others
Albert Bandura suggested personality characteristics determine which ________ are imitated.
Albert Bandura suggested personality characteristics determine which behaviors are ________.
What is self-efficacy?
belief about one’s ability to perform behaviors
What is the person-situation controversy?
people make responses that they think will lead to reinforcement in a particular situation
Is Walter Mischel a behaviorist or a humanist?
Walter Mischel suggests that personality (of a specific individual) can differ from _________ to _________ .
______ _______ suggests that personality (of a specific individual) can differ from situation to situation.
Walter Mischel
What is humanism?
theoretical perspective that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans
Who are the founders of humanism?
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Humanism emphasizes ___________ and _______ to make personal changes.
Humanism believed humans are _______ and in control of their __________ (i.e., not dominated by unconscious thoughts)
_________ Perception > _________ Reality
Subjective _________ > Objective ________
Explain Carl Rogers Person Centered Theory.
personality is re-termed to place focus on the individual
What is “the self”?
a collection of beliefs about ones own nature, qualities, behaviors
What is incongruence?
- gap between self-concept and reality
- self-concept does not meh well with actual experience
Abraham Maslow believed psychology should take an interest in the _______ mind.
List Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from bottom to top.
- physiological needs
- safety and security needs
- belongingness and love needs
- esteem needs
- cognitive needs
- aesthetic needs
- need for self-actualization
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
- __________ if lower needs are satisfied
- __________ if lower needs are not being satisfied
List the new approach to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
- physiological needs
- self-protection needs
- affiliation needs
- status/esteem needs
- mate acquisition
- mate retention
- parenting