English Literature- A Christmas Carol Flashcards
Core themes in a Christmas carol (5)
Isolation, Misanthropy (a dislike of humans), avarice( extreme greed for wealth) redemption and salvation, poverty.
“As secret…”
“As secret and solitary and self-contained as an oyster.”
Similie to illustrate Scrooge’s hard exterior but chance to be opened up?
“A poor excuse..”
“A poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every 25th of December!”
Shows Scrooge’s attitude towards Christmas during the beginning
“Are there..”
“Are there no prisons?”
Scrooge’s attitude to the poor- repeated in stave 3
“The spectre’s..”
“The spectre’s voice disturbed the very marrow of his bones.”
Impact the Ghost’s had on Scrooge.”
“a dismal…”
” a dismal little cell”
like a prison:clear evidence of how Scrooge treats Bob Crachit
“Mankind was my business”
Pun on business- Marley’s message
” I wear..”
“I wear the chain i forged in life.”
symbolism of Marley’s chains- held down by capital.
“you have yet..”
“You have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate.”
Scrooge’s chance of redemption
“There’s more..”
“There’s more gravy than of grave about you.”
Use of humour to show Scrooge’s reluctance
“Sprang a..”
“Sprang a bright,clear jet of light.”
Ghost of Christmas’ past’s light symbolizes his message- Scrooge does not want to look.
“Another idol…”
“Another idol has displaced me… a golden one.”
Scrooge looses Belle because of his obsession to wealth and money.
“Twice turned..”
“Twice turned gown but brave in ribbons.”
Mrs Crachit is poor but skillfull and positive
“A jolly..”
“A jolly giant,glorious to see.”
Ghost of Christmas present represents generosity
“I see a..”
“I see a vacant seat, if these shadows remain unaltered by the future…he be like to die.”
Scrooge needs to change to save the lives of boys like Tiny Tim.”
“There was never..”
“There was never such a goose..ekked out by apple sauce and mashed potato.
The Crachit family do the best with what they have
“They were not a..”
“They were not a handsome family but they were happy.”
Despite having very little, the Cratchit family manage to stay positive.
“Yellow, Meagre..”
"”Yellow, Meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish children.”
Listing to show the pain of children in Victorian England (Ignorance/want.)
“I see that…”
“I see that written which is doom”
The ghost of present warns what will happen to society if it does not end ignorance.
“The phantom..”
“The phantom slowly, gravely, silently approaches.. a spectral hand..one great heap of black.”
Ghost Yet to come represents death
“It is likely..”
“i don’t mind”
“It is likely to be a very cheap funeral.”
“i don’t mind going if a lunch is provided.”
The men of the city do not like Scrooge
“plundered,bereft,unwatched, unwept, uncared for”
Scrooge’s corpse is abandoned and he has no one to care for him
“to profit..”
“to profit us when he was dead!”
Scrooge’s life is only used of to profit others after death.
“We shall..”
“We shall none of us forget Tiny Tim.”
In a version of the future, Tim has died.
“I will not shut..”
“I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
Scrooge resolves to listen to the teachings of the ghosts
“I will not shut..”
“I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
Scrooge resolves to listen to the teachings of the ghosts
“I am as happy…”
“I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy.”
Similies that show change between stave one and five
“A great many…”
“A great many backpayments are included in it, I assure you.”
An echo of Stave one, Scrooge now donates to charity
“He shan’t..”
“He shan’t know who sends it, its twice the size of Tiny Tim.”
Scrooge shows his new generosity
“Scrooge was better than…”
“Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitley more; and to Tiny Tim, who did NOT die, he was a second father. God bless us every one!”
Scrooge is reformed