Earth Science, Tarbuck Chapter 15 Flashcards
How is Ocean Circulation Determined
pattern of surface-ocean circulation closely matches the
pattern of global winds but is also strongly influenced by
the distribution of major landmasses and by the spinning
of Earth on its axis.
What are Gyres
large whirls of water within an ocean basin
What are the 5 main Gyres
the North Pacific Gyre, the South Pacific Gyre, the North
Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, and the Indian
Ocean Gyre
At which latitude do the main 5 Gyres form
the center of each gyre coincides with the subtropics at about 30° north or south latitude
What is the Coriolis effect that affects Both wind and Water currents
Due to Earth’s rotation, currents are deflected
to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in
the Southern Hemisphere
What is the Only water current that completely circulates around the earth
West Wind Drift
What is Upwelling
the rising of cold water from deeper layers to replace warmer surface water
What causes upwelling
What is Thermohaline Circulation
Also known as deep-ocean circulation, thermohaline circulation is caused by differences in density of Seawater
What causes most waves in the ocean
Storms and Wind
As waves get closer to the shore what happens to them
Wavelength gets shorter
Waves are usually _______ to the shore
Where does most coastal upwelling occur
West Coast of Continents
How does Deep-Ocean Circulation occur
When water gets denser at the surface, it sinks and spreads out
What is the Shoreline
The area where the land touches the sea
What is the shore
Area between Lowest tide level and highest land affected by Ocean waves
Where is the Coastline found
The landward edge of the shore
What is the foreshore
the area between Low tide and High tide water levels
What is the backshore
The area between the foreshore and the coastline
What is a berm
flat sandy platforms near dunes, and the beach face, the wet sloping area to the shoreline.
What are beaches made up of
material nearby that is readily available
What are beaches mostly composed of
Quartz grains
What aree waves technically
energy traveling through water
What are Whitecaps
when waves grow tall enough to break, forming white foam
What is circular orbital motion
The idea that water moves in circles and returns to its original place in waves, while objects on top of the wave move slightly forward and backward while on the wave
What is swash
the rush of seawater up the beach after the breaking of a wave.
What is Beach Drift
zigzag movement of sediment along the beach caused by the angular motion of swash and the straight motion of backwash
What is backwash
As swash recedes back into the ocean, it is called backwash