Earth Science, Tarbuck C. 1-2 Flashcards
What are the two main parts of Earth’s surface? What percentages of the surface of earth do they make up?
70% Ocean Basin, 30% Continents
What is the Continental Margin
Portion of Seafloor adjacent to major landmasses, consists of Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, and Continental rise.
What is continental shelf
gently sloping platform extending seaward from the shore.
What is Continental Slope
Relatively Steep drop-off that extends from outer edge of Continental Shelf
What is Continental Rise
Gently Sloping platform that is merged with the continental slope
What is Deep-Ocean basin
Area between Continental Margin and Mid-Ocean ridges representing the deepest part of the ocean floor.
What is Abyssal Plain
Incredibly flat areas of ocean floor, part of the Deep-Ocean basin.
Where are the youngest mountain belts formed
Circum-Pacific Belt / Ring of fire
What is a Craton
Interior of Continent
Define Mineral
any naturally occurring inorganic solid that possesses an orderly crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition that allows for some variation
Define Rock
any solid mass of mineral or mineral-like matter that occurs naturally
All silicates have the same fundamental building block, known as
Silicon-Oxygen tetrahedron
What is the Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron made of
4 Oxygen ions that are covalently bonded to a silicon ion.
How are Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron Chained together
Sharing of Oxygen atoms
How are the chains of Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedra linked together
Other elements join silicate structures.
What is the most common mineral in the continental crust and what percent of the continental crust is that mineral
Feldspar, 51 Percent
What is the only common mineral made completely of silicon and oxygen
How do silicate minerals form
Crystalizes from molten rocks it cools
How many different feldspar structures exist and what are their names?
2, Potassium Feldspar and Plagioclase Feldspar
Physical Properties of Feldspar
Two planes of cleavage meeting at 90 degree angles, 6 on mohs scale, glassy or pearly luster
Describe Olivine group
no cleavage and single oxygen-silicon tetrahedra.
Describe Pyroxene group
Cleavage at two planes at 90 degrees and single chains
Describe Amphibole Group
Cleavage at Two planes at 60 and 120 degrees, double chains
Describe Micas Group
One plane of cleavage, sheets of tetrahedra
Describe Feldspar group
Two planes of cleavage at 90 degrees, three-dimensional networks of tetrahedra
Describe Quartz
No cleavage, three-dimensional networks of tetrahedra
What group of silicate mineral is Muscovite a part of
Define clay
category of complex minerals originating from chemical breakdown of other silicate minerals.
Describe Olivine
dark silicate mineral with small rounded crystals due to high-temperature cooling.
Where is olivine commonly found in the crust
Oceanic crust and volcanic areas on continental crust.
What mineral in the pyroxene group is most commonly found
What mineral in the Amphibole group is most commonly found
What group of minerals is Biotite a part of
Where is Garnet most Commonly found
Metamorphic rocks
Common Nonsilicate Mineral groups
Carbonates, Halides, Oxides, Sulfides, Sulfates, Native(or single elements)
Carbonate minerals
Calcite, Dolomite
Halides minerals
Halite, Fluorite, Sylvite
Oxides minerals
Hematite, Magnetite, Corundum, Ice
Sulfies Minerals
Galena, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Cinnabar
Sulfates minerals
Gypsum, Anhydrite, Barite
Native minerals
Gold, Copper, Diamond, Graphite, Sulfur, Silver
What minerals are used to create Portland Cement
Calcite, Dolomite
Common Salt
Used in Steel-Making
Ore of Iron
Hematite, Magnetite
Corundum, Diamond
Ore of lead
Ore of Zinc
Sulfuric acid production
Ore of Copper
Ore of Mercury
What is Plaster made up of
Gypsum, Anhydrite
Drilling mud
Gold, Silver
Pencil lead
Electrical Conductor
Sulfa drugs, Chemicals
Define ore Deposit
Naturally Occurring concentration of one or more metallic minerals