Earth Science, Tarbuck Chap 12 Flashcards
What are exoplanets
planets that orbit
other stars
What is a planetesimal
a body that could or did come together with many others under gravitation to form a planet.
What is the Hadean time period
Early period of Earth’s formation, very hot and hell-like
What is Outgassing
gases trapped in the planet’s interior are released, usually by volcanoes
What gasses are usually produced from outgassing
water vapor, carbon dioxide, and
sulfur dioxide
When did the Great Oxygenation Event happen
2.3 billion years ago
What occured in the Great Oxygenation Event
Large amounts of oxygen were getting created by photosynthesizing plants
How do marine animals help keep carbon dioxide levels low
Marine Organisms with hard parts extract calcium carbonate from seawater to form their hard parts, later they deposit these hard parts at the bottom of the sea floor.
Which eon did the Great Oxygenation Event Occur
What are shields in continents
Areas where cratons are exposed on the surface
What was the time supercontinent Rodinia was active
1.1 Billion Years ago - 800 million years ago
Why was Antarctica not fully covered by an Ice sheet until about 34 million years ago
Antarctica was originally connected to South America, leading to more warm water circulation around the continent
What was the Cambrian Explosion
expansion in biodiversity, which began about 541 million years ago, featuring an emergence of a spectacular variety of new life-forms
What are Trilobites
marine arthropods that first appeared around 521 million years ago, shortly after the beginning of the Cambrian explosion
What are Cephalopods
mobile, highly developed mollusks that
became the major predators of their time
When did Cephalopods become abundant
Ordovician Period