Developmental issues of infancy Flashcards
Accordingto Erikson, An infant will develop____ if the caregiver will fed him/her well and taken care of their needs
It is a reciprocal, enduring emotional tie between an infant and a caregiver, each of whom contributes to the quality of the relationship.
From an_____ point of view, attachments have adaptive value for babies, ensuring that their psychosocial as well as physical needs will be met.
Who is the proponent of strange situation experiment?
Mary Ainsworth
what are the three main patterns of attachment
that Ainsworth and her collegues discorvered?
Secure Attachment, Avoidant, Ambivalent/resistant
Who is the proponent of disorganized-disoriented attachment?
Main and Solomon
Pattern in which an infant is quickly and effectively able to obtain comfort from an attachment figure in the face of distress. This is also the most common attachment
Secured Attachment
Pattern in which an infant rarely cries when separated from the primary caregiver and avoids contact on his or her return
Avoidant Attachment
Pattern in which an infant becomes anxious before the primary caregiver leaves, is extremely upset during his or her absence, and both seeks and resists contact on his or her return.
Ambivalent (Resistant) Attachment
True or false. secure attachment is the smallest category of attachment style
Pattern in which an infant, after separation from the primary caregiver, shows contradictory (unpredictable and inconsistent), repetitious, or misdirected behaviors on his or her return
It is most prevalent in babies with mothers who are insensitive, intrusive, or abusive; who are fearful or frightening and thus leave the infant with no one to alleviate the fear the mother arouses; or who have suffered unresolved loss or have unresolved feelings about their childhood attachment to their own parents
True or False. By the time babies are 5 year old, they have established a characteristic style of attachment
By the time babies are 1 year old, they have established a characteristic style of attachment
According to____, attachment styles are the result of repeated interactions with a caregiver
According to Bowlby, these became the blueprint for the dynamics of the baby-caregiver relationship. As long as the mother act the same way, it will remain the same. However, daily changes in mother’s way of response will change this as the baby revise this model.
working models
True or False. According to Bowlby the working models (attachment style) may differ with different people