Depression Flashcards
jeez no
i mean maybe
i mean suicide lookin real tasty rn
if ur doing these cards
im so sorry <3
Give a statistic on suicide rates in 2020 compared to 2019
4912 registered in 2020 which is 404 less than in 2019
but avani and elishka bout to bring up deez rates in 2023 <3..u r very welcome
Which part of England has the highest suicide rate (13.3 per 100k)?
Worcester Park
Nah jk its North East of England, but ava and eli bout to make surrey top the charts <3
What are depression and depressive disorders characterised by?
Changes to mood
What is the DSM-V categories for depression?
Very depressed
Meh depressed
Major depressive disorder
Persistent depressive disorder
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Major depressive disorder
Severe but short term (like my memory for this topic)
Persistent depressive disorder
Idiot it’s literally in the NAME
Long term or recurring depression including sustained major depression
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Childhood temper trantrums
Basically avani whenever anything minor happens
issok we accept u 4 who u r
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Disruption to mood prior to and/or during menstruation
What is unipolar disorder
An episode of depression that can occur suddenly
Like the urge to stab avani then myself in this very moment
-Can be reactive (death of a loved one)
-Or can be endogenous - neurological factors
Bipolar disorder
Manic and depressive
*shakes nervously
-Changes of mood in regular cycles
-Mania = over-activity, rapid speech, and feeling happy or agitated
Emotional characteristics of depression
Lowered mood (worthless and empty)
Anger (can be directed at self - selfharm - or others)
Lowered self esteem (sense of self-loathing)
Behavioral characteristics of depression
Activity level changes (may be lethargic - sluggish)
Anxiety levels (withdraw from work, education and social life)
Disruption to sleep and eating behaviour (weight gain/loss, increased/decreased appetite, insomnia/hypersomnia)
Aggression and self harm (irritable, leads to physical or verbal aggression)
Anhedonia (decreased ability to feel pleasure/loss of interest) - sucks to be their sexual partner ig
Yes i have experienced all of these <3
Cognitive characteristics of depression
Poor concentration (difficult to focus on problem and may ruminate - overthink)
Attending to and dwelling on the negative (bias towards recalling unhappy events rather than happy ones)
Absolutist thinking (“all good or all bad” or “black and white thinking” - see situations as complete disasters)
Name the assumptions of the cognitive approach
-People who suffer from mental disorders have distorted and irrational thinking which may cause maladptive behaviour (i think im on pandora. but thats real. im fine. IM FINE. its fine just move on. pls help me.)
-The way you think about the problem rather than the problem itself which causes the mental disorder
-People can overcome mental disorders by learning to use more appropriate conditions. If people think in more +ve ways they can be helped to feel better
What does the cognitive approach suggest is the cause of depression
Focus on individual’s negative thoughts, irrational beliefs and misinterpretation of events
on a completely unrelated note i live on pandora
What did Aaron Beck suggest about the cognitive approach to depression
Suggests cognitive explanation as to hwy some are more vulnerable to depression than others
Suggests 3 parts to this cognitive vulnerability
What are Beck’s 3 parts to cognitive vulnerability
Faulty information processing
Negative self-schemas
The negative triad
Faulty information processing
Depressed people make fundamental errors in logic (i live on pandora)
These people tend to selectively attend to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore +ve ones (im fine here cos i live on pandora so nothing bad happens <3)
Tendency to blow small problems out of proportion with thinking in terms of black and white and ignoring middle ground (you are success or failure, rather than not good at some things but ok at others)
im perfect at everything so i dont suffer from this im good
Negative self-schemas
They interpret all the info about themselves in a negative way
What did Weissman and Beck aim to investigate in 1978
The thought processes of depressed people to establish if they make use of negative schemas
What was Weissman and Beck’s method
Thought processes were measured using the dysfunctional attitude scale (DAS)
Participants asked to fill in questionnaire by ticking whether they agreed/disagreed with a set of statements, e.g. “people will probably think less of me if I make a mistake” (imma b the first to say i think this applies to everyone…so these geniuses better switch up the statements. next thing they do b doing is diagnosing me lmao…i mean they wont b wrong…but um…nvm leave me alone beck)
What was the result of the Weissman and Beck thingie
Found that participants with depression made more negative assessments than people without depression
When given some therapy to challenge and change their negative schemas there was an improvement in their self-ratings
Conclusion = depression involves the use of negative schemas
The negative triad
Beck built on idea of maladaptive responses (not adjusting) and suggested that people with depression become trapped in cycle of negative thoughts
Tendency to view themselves, word and future in pessimistic ways (triad of impairments)
Outline the triad of impairments
Negative view of the self (“I am incompetent and undeserving”)
Negative view of the world (“It is a hostile place”)
Negative view of the future (“Problems will not disappear, there will always be emotional pain”)
Well this made me feel worse
What did Albert Ellis propose about good mental health in 1962
Result of rational thinking
He argues that there are common irrational beliefs that underlie much depression (poor mental health) and sufferers have based their lives on these beliefs
e.g. “I must be successful, competent and achieving in everything I do if I am to consider myself worthwhile”
phew this means i am not at risk of depression cos i do everything perfectly at all times. that was a close one
What is Ellis’ ABC model
A - actional is affected by
B - an individual’s belief which results in
C - a consequence
-If beliefs are subject to cognitive biases (in the same way as Beck’s) then they can cause irrational thinking which may produce undesirable behaviours
Describe A - activating event
Situations in which irrational thoughts are triggered by external events
We get depressed when we experience negative events and these events trigger irrational beliefs
Describe B - beliefs
-We must always succeed or achieve perfection
This is called musturbation. ik. so cheeky
-“I can’t-stand-it-itis” - whenever something does not go smoothly, it is a disaster
-Utopianism - life is always meant to be fair
Describe C - consequences
When an activating event triggers irrational beliefs, there are emotional and behavioural consequences
Supporting evidence for Beck
Much research has supported the proposal that depression is associated with faulty info processing, negative self-schemas and the triad of impairments
Graziolo and Terry (2000) assessed 65 pregnant women for cognitive vulnerability and depression before and after birth
Those high in cognitive vulnerability were more likely to suffer post-natal depression
What did Clark and Beck (1999) review
Research on depression
They concluded that there was solid support for all these cognitive vulnerability factors
The cognitions can be seen before depression develops
Describe the practical application for CBT
Beck’s cognitive explanation forms the basis of CBT
All cognitive aspects of depression can be challenged in CBT
What is a negative evaluation of cognitive vulnerability factors
Doesn’t explain all aspects of depression
Explains basic symptoms of depression but it is a complex disorder with a range of symptoms, not all of which can be explained
e.g. cotard syndrome - the delusion that you are a zombie (“Controlled” - directed by Avani and Elishka who?!)
What is a negative evaluation of Ellis’ theory
Only offers a partial explanation
Some depression does occur as a result of activating event (e.g. reactive depression) but not all depression arises as a result of an obvious cause
Does not explain why some people experience anger associated with their depression or why some suffer hallucinations and delusions
What is another +ve evaluation of Ellis’ theory
Has practical application in CBT
Like Beck’s explanation it has led to successful therapy
Irrational negative beliefs are challenged and this can help to reduce depressive symptoms suggesting that the irrational beliefs had some role in the depression (lipsky et al.1980)
What is cognitive primacy as a +ve evaluation
Cognitive explanations for depression share idea that cognition causes depression
Idea that emotions are influenced by cognition
Other theories of depression see emotion as stored, similarly to physical energy, to emerge some time after its causal event
Attachment and depression - vwhat?!
There is a link between insecure attachment to parents and vulnerability to depression in adulthood
What is CBT
Psychological treatment for depression as well as anxiety, panic, phobias, stress, bulimia, OCD, PTSD, bipolar, etc
Based on behavioural and cognitive techniques
Therapists aim to make client aware of relationship between thought, emotional and actions
Can help change how ppl think and what they do
Can make ppl feel better
Challenges negative thoughts
What techniques does CBT include
Cognitive - talking (psychotherapy) about how you think about yourself,the world and other ppl and how what you do affects your thoughts and feelings
Behavioural - behavioural activation - encourages patients to engage in those activities they are avoiding
What does CBT help to break
nah das just me
Helps to break the vicious circle of maladaptive thinking, feelings and behaviour
What does CBT focus on
The ‘here and now’ problems/difficulties
Instead of focusing on causes of distress or symptoms in the past, looks for ways to improve the state of mind now
When parts of the sequence are clearly outlined and understood, they can be changed
Aims to get person to a point where they can ‘DIY’ and work out own ways to tackle their issues
Outline the process of CBT
Assessment of client
Formulation of goals
Treatment (give client hw and monitor them until improvement is seen)
Treatment complete
What is Beck’s take on cognitive therapy
With extra cheese and a spinach salad on the side
He developed a therapy to challenge the negative triad (beliefs) of the client
1. First client will be assessed to discover the severity of their condition
2. Therapist will establish a baseline (or starting point A STIMULUS MISS HAZELL UR WELCOME) prior to treatment to help monitor improvement
How does CBT unlock the the thoughts that influence emotions and behaviour
Client is asked to provide info about how they perceive themselves, future and the world
Therapist uses a process of reality testing, e.g.
-Therapist might then ask client to do something to demonstrate their ability to succeed
Helps think more +ively
Beliefs are directly challenged and so irrational ideas replaced with more optimistic and rational ones
What is Ellis’ rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
Extends the ABC model to an ABCDE model
D = dispute (challenge the thoughts)
E = effect (see a more beneficial effect on thought and behaviour)
-Therefore central technique of REBT is to identify and dispute the patient’s irrational thoughts
What is REBT based on
Premise that whenever we become upset it is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us but the beliefs that we hold that cause us to become depressed, anxious, enraged, etc
What did Ellis believe about irrational beliefs
Make impossible demands on person
Leads to anxiety, failure and psychological difficulty
What does REBT challenge
The client to prove these statements and then replace them with more reasonable realistic statements (empirical disputing/logical disputing)
Name 3 common faulty beliefs experienced by people with mental health problems identified by Ellis
“I am worthless unless I am competent at everything I try”
“I must be approved of and loved by everyone I meet”
“It is easier to avoid difficulties and responsibilities than to face them”
Bonus: “I will never be as good as avani at anything i do. damn i wish i was as hot as elishka”
sucks to b u ig
What was the aim of Newark et al.’s experiment
Wanted to discover if people with psychological problems had irrational attitudes
What was Newark et al.’s method
2 groups of participants were asked if they agreed with the following statements identified by Ellis as irrational:
a)”It is essential that one be loved or approved of by virtually everyone in the community”
b)”One must be perfectly competent, adequate and achieving in order to consider oneself worthwhile”
1 group consisted of people who had been diagnosed with anxiety
Other group had no psychological problems (OR SO THEY SAY), defined as ‘normal’…how rude
What was the result of Newark’s experiment
65% of anxious participants agreed with statement a) compared to 2% of non-anxious participants
For statement b) 80% of anxious participants agreed, compared to 25% of non-anxious participants
Conclusion = people with emotional problems think in irrational ways
kinda bold if u ask me ANOTHER
How effective is CBT
das gr8 ig
Effective in reducing symptoms of depression and in preventing relapse and there is a large body of evidence to support this (March et al. 2007)
march. when was he born AHAHA CLASSIC
Fava et al. (1994) states - as effective as antidepressants for many types of depression
Describe March et al. (2007) in support for CBT effectiveness
327 adolescents: after 36 weeks 81% of both CBT group and antidepressant group had 86% of combined treatment showed improved symptoms
What is a+ve evaluation for CBT and drug treatment
Keller et al. (2000)
Recovery rates (from depression):
55% drugs alone
52% CBT alone
85% when used together
What is a negative evaluation for CBT
May not work for the most severe cases
In some cases depression may be so severe that patients cannot motivate themselves to engage in therapy
In these cases it is possible to treat the patient with antidepressants and then CBT can commence a later date
This is therefore a limitation as it means that CBT cannot be used as the sole treatment in all cases
What is another +ve evaluation of CBT said by Rosenzweig (1936)
Success may be due to therapist-patient relationship
Research shows little difference between CBT and other forms of psychotherapy
May be the quality of the therapist-patient relationship that makes the difference to the success of the treatment rather than the treatment itself
Simply having the opportunity to talk to someone who will listen could be what matters most
*enuf to make a grown man cry
Negative evaluation of CBT ANOTHER
Over-emphasis on cognition
Risk in focusing on what is happening in the mind of the individual may end up minimising the importance of the circumstances the individual is living in
Thus an ethical issue for cognitive behavioural therapists here, and is important for therapists to keep in mind that not all problems are in the mind (McCusker 2014)
yet again another unfortunate name