Dental Flashcards
What are accessory digestive organs that are responsible for mastication or mechanical digestion in the mouth?
What initiates the breakdown of starches?
Salivary amylase
What breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids?
Lingual lipase
What are the regions of the tooth?
What are the tissues of the the tooth?
What are the attachment apparatus’?
Periodontal ligament
alveolar process
What are the 4 types of teeth?
What is another term for canine teeth?
What is another term for premolar teeth?
What are the non-keratinized parts of the oral cavity?
Cheeks (buccal) Lips (labial/facial) Soft Palate Ventral/lateral tongue Arches
What are the areas that are keratinized in the oral cavity?
Hard palate
Dorsal Tongue
What structure forms the lateral walls of the oral cavity?
Cheeks or buccal
What are the fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth?
Lips or labial/facial
What structure is a wall or septum that separates the oral and nasal cavity?
Palate or palatal
What is an accessory digestive organ composed of skeletal muscle covered with mucous membrane?
Tongue or lingual
What fluids do lingual glands in the lamina propria of the tongue secrete that contain enzyme lingual lipase?
mucus and watery serous fluid
What are the two muscular folds that run down the lateral sides of the soft palate?
Palatoglossal arch (Anterior) Palatopharyngeal arch (posterior)
What structures are positioned between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches?
Palatine tonsils
What is the midline fold of tissue that helps anchor the tongue to the floor of the mouth and lips to the gingiva?
What is the keratinized epithelial tissue that covers the alveolar processes and extend slightly into each socket?
Gingiva or gums
What is the triangle of tissue that gingiva form to fill the space between each tooth coronal to the base of the gums?
interdental papilla
What is the freely moveable non-keratinized mucosa that connects the freely moveable tissue of the cheecks and lips to the the gingiva?
mucogingival junction/fold
What is the visible region of the tooth above the gums?
What is the region of the tooth which encompasses the junction of the crown and root?
The neck contains what structure that is located where enamel and cementum meet?
Cementumal Enamel Junction (CEJ)
What is the region of the tooth that is embedded into the socket?
What is the tissue of the trooth that covers the crown?
The enamel is harder than bone and consists primarily of what?
Calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate
The enamel, the hardest substance in the body, protects the tooth from what?
wear and tear
acids that dissolve dentin
What is the tissue that forms the majority of the tooth and gives basic shape and rigidity?
What is the dry weight of the enamel and dentin?
95% Enamel
70% Dentin
What is the connective tissue of the tooth located within the pulp cavity and contains blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels?
What are the narrow extensions of the pulp called?
root canals