Aspects of Aviation Medicine Flashcards
what form is used to notify the CO or OIC of aircrewman no longer having a medical recommendation for flying duties
DD form 2992 Medical Recommendation for flying or special operations duty
who can issue a aeromedical grounding chit
all medical department personnel
where else besides the DD2992 should a aeromedical grounding notice be documented
Special Duty medical Abstract NAVMED 6150/2
What are reasons aeromedical grounding chit will be issued
personnel on sick list
personnel determined to have medical problems that could interfere with their duties
does administration of routine immunization require a aeromedical grounding chit
how many copies of down chits are made
original and 2 copies
where do the copies of down chits go
Original - Commanding officer
1st copy - operations officer
2nd copy - training officer
how long is a down chit good for
until a flight surgeon exams and issues an aeromedical clearance chit
the privilege of issuing a up chit maybe delegated to whom, and what must happen
IDC, PAs, Non aviation MOs,
consultation must be obtained via email, verbal communication, or message from Flight Surgeon
How often aviation personnel be evaluated
what is the only exception for not having to get an up chit
self limiting grounding notice issued by the dental officer
all personnel involved in flying status must conform to physical standard found where
NAVMED P-117 chapter 15 medical examinations
what instruction is Medical Monitoring flight personnel in locations where flight surgeons are not available
what is the instruction for NATOPS general flight and operations instructions
how long should a facility keep a physical exam
3 years