deck_4394585 Flashcards
In the aponeurosis of what muscle is the superficial inguinal ring located?
External abdominal oblique
What is the cranial border of the deep inguinal ring?
caudal border of the aponeurosis of the internal abdominal oblique
What is the medial border of the deep inguinal ring?
Lateral border of the rectus abdominis
What is the caudal border of the deep inguinal ring?
Inguinal ligament & caudal end of External Abdominal oblique
What structures are located in the inguinal canal?
Spermatic cord/vaginal processExternal cremaster muscleExternal pudendal arter and veinGenitofemoral nerveEfferent duct of the superficial inguinal lymph node
What 2 structures are used as landmarks for dividing the quadrants?
Linea albaUmbilicus
What are the borders of the abdominal cavity? (cranial, dorsal, lateral, ventral, caudal)
Cranial: DiaphragmDorsal: Lumbar vertebrae, sublumbar musclesLateral: EAO, IAO, TAVentral: Rectus abdominis, rectus sheath, linea albaCaudal: Pelvic inlet
What organs are contained in the abdominal cavity?
StomachDescending colonLiverPancreasSpleenKidneysFemale reproductive tractNerve plexusesBlood vesselsLymph nodesOmentum
Are there any organs present in the peritoneal cavity?
What is the linea alba also known as?
Midvental raphe
What forms the linea alba?
Aponeurosis of Extrnal Abdominal Oblique, Internal Abdominal ObliqueTransversus abdominisTransverse fasica
What does the linea alba blend with?
Prepubic tendon
Where does the linea alba originate?
Xiphoid cartilage
Where does the linea alba insert?
Pelvic symphysis
What layers make the external lamina of the cranial rectus sheath?
EAOsuperficial layer of IAO
What layers make the internal lamina of the cranial rectus sheath?
Deep layer of IAOTransverse abdominisTransverse fascia
What layers make the external lamina of the umbilical rectus sheath?
What layers make the internal lamina of the umbilical rectus sheath
Transverse abdominisTransverse fascia
What layers make the external lamina of the caudal rectus sheath?
EAOIAOend of the Transverse abdominis
What is the internal lamina of the caudal rectus sheath made of?
Transverse fascia
Where is the parietal peritoneum in regards to the transverse fascia?
Deep to TF
What is the largest and most complex serous membrane in the body?
What is the difference between the male and female peritoneum?
Closed sac in the maleFemale opens to peritoneal cavity via abdominal ostium of uterine tubes in ovarian bursa
What are the parts of the peritoneum?
ParietalVisceralPeritoneal cavity
What does the parietal peritoneum line?
Abdominal wallAbdominal surface of diaphragmPelvic cavityScrotal cavity Vaginal process