Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
What is the main function of the autonomic nervous system?
Controls involuntary visceral activity to maintain homeostasis or respond to stress
What components form the autonomic nervous system?
General visceral efferent nerves
General visceral afferent nerves
Components of CNS that regulate visceral activity by receiving or sending signals to GVE & GVA systems
What are the 2 branches of of the General Vsceral Efferent nervous system?
Sympathetic: fight or flight (thoracolumbar)
Parasympathetic: Rest and Digest (Craniosacral)
Do any autonomic nerves come off the cervical region?
There are 2 neuronal components that form both the divisions of the General Visceral Efferent System, what are they?
A preganglionic component
A post ganglionic component
What are pre ganglionic & post ganglionic components?
Pre-ganglionic: Axon exits spinal cord and synapses on post-ganglionic cell body
Post-ganglionic: Pre-ganglionic component synapses on cell body, and post-ganglionic axon innervates Effector muscle
How do the pre- and post-ganglionic components differ between Para- and Sympa- systems?
Sympathetic: Equal sized pre- and post-ganglionic portions. Post-ganglionic cell body located outside the organ wall
Parasympathetic: Long pre-ganglionic aspect, post-ganglionic cell body & axon is located in the organ wall
The sympathetic pathway always starts the same, describe the signal flow
Lateral grey horn -> Ventral root -> spinal nerve -> ramus communicans -> Sympathetic trunk
Describe sympathetic signal flow for the body wall & limbs
Lateral grey horn -> Ventral root -> spinal nerve -> ramus communicans -> sympathetic trunk -> ganglion sympathetic trunk ganglia -> post (other sympathetic trunk rami -> other spinal nerves) or continue down ventral branch of spinal nerve after sympathetic trunk ganglion
Do all spinal nerves have a GVE and GVA branch?
Yes, both the dorsal branch and ventral branch of a spinal nerve are mixed
What is the communicating branch of the sympathetic nervous system?
Ramus communicans
Branches off the spinal nerve
What are paravertebral ganglion?
Sympathetic trunk ganglion
Describe the sympathetic pathway for the head
Lateral grey horn -> ventral root -> spinal nerve -> ramus communicans -> sympathetic trunk -> Ansa subclavia -> vagosympathetic trunk -> ganglion cranical cervical ganglion -> post internal & external carotid nerve plexus
Describe the sympathetic pathway for the neck
Lateral grey horn -> ventral root -> spinal nerve -> ramus communicans -> sympathetic trunk -> ganglion cervicothoracic ganglion -> post vertebral nerve -> rami communicates to cervical spinal nerves -> dorsal/ventral branches of cervical spinal nerves
Describe the sympathetic pathway for the thorax
Lateral grey horn -> ventral root -> spinal nerve -> ramus communicans -> sympathetic trunk -> ansa subclavia -> ganglion cervicothoracic ganglion or middle cervical ganglion -> post branches from ansa subclavia or courses with vagus nerve