Day 7 - though / although / even though / even if / despite / in spite of Flashcards
길었지만, 쉬웠어.
It was long, [but / though] easy.
좀 좋았어, 좀 길긴 했지만. 별 4개 준다.
It was pretty good, (but) it was a little long, though. I give it 4 stars.
좀 역겹게 생겼어. 하지만 맛은 정말 좋아!
It looks a little disgusting. It tastes great, though!
내 노트북이 오래됐지만, 아직 작동은 아주 잘 돼! 일단 한번 말썽 부리기 시작하면 새로운 걸로 교체할 거야.
Although my laptop is old, it still works great! I’ll replace it for a new one once it starts acting up.
내가 거의 연락을 안 하지만, (어머니는) 내가 어머니는 내가 그녀를 사랑한다는 걸 아셔.
Although I hardly ever get in touch with her, she knows I love her.
양아치같이 생겼지만, 걔 진짜 착한 남자야.
Although he looks like a thug, he’s really a nice guy.
재미있었는데, 좀 길었어.
It was interesting, [albeit/although] a little long.
좋았는데, 좀 짧았어.
It was good, [albeit/although] it was a little short.
좋은 시간을 보냈는데 좀 외로웠어.
I had a good time, [albeit/although] I was a little lonely.
좋았는데, 좀 비쌌어.
It was good, [albeit/although] it was a little pricey.
내가 너한테 수없이 얘기했는데도, 왜 미리 예약을 안 했어?!
Why didn’t you make the reservation in advance, even though I told you (to) a million times?!
10대 1로 지고 있었는데도 불구하고, 역전을 했고 이겼어!
Even though they were losing 10 to 1, they made a comeback and won!
12시간 줄을 서있었는데도 불구하고, 아무것도 살 수 없었어.
I couldn’t buy any, even though I waited in line for 12 hours!
넌 10일 동안 데이오프가 있었는데도 불구하고 왜 아무 데도 안 갔어?
Why didn’t you go anywhere even though you had 10 days off?
요즘 하루에 8시간 넘게 자고 있는데도 불구하고, 수업에서 너무 졸려.
I’m so sleepy in class, even though I’ve been sleeping for over 8 hours a day these days.
오픽(시험)을 위해서 진짜 열심히 공부했는데도 불구하고 AL을 받지 못했어.
I couldn’t get an AL on the OPIc, even though I studied really hard for it.
이 말을 해서 미안하지만, 나 대학원 못 들어갔어. (실패)
괜찮아. 네가 못 들어갔음에도 불구하고 난 여전히 네가 자랑스러워.
I’m sorry to say this, but I failed to get into graduate school.
It’s ok. I’m still proud of you, even though you didn’t get in.
매일 운동을 (계속) 해 왔음에도 불구하고 난 살을 조금도 뺄 수 없었어.
I haven’t been able to lose any weight, even though I’ve been working out every day.
우리 겨우 2시간 전에 뭐 먹었는데도?!
Even though we ate barely 2 hours ago?!
오늘 영하 10도 인데도?!
Even though it’s negative 10 degrees today?!
걔한테 네 번호를 줬다고!? 낯선 사람인데도!?
You gave him your number?! Even though he was a stranger?!
애써서 (쓸모없으니까) 안 뛰어도 돼! 우리가 뛴다 해도 우리 버스 못 잡을 거야.
Don’t bother running. We won’t be able to catch the bus even if we run.
비가 온다 해도 우리는 소풍을 갈 거야.
We’re going to have the picnic even if it rains.
걱정하지마. 네가 (대학원에) 못 들어간다 해도 난 널 자랑스러워할 거야.
I’ll be proud of you even if you don’t get in.
난 백 년이 걸린다 해도 시험에 통과할 거야!
I’m going to pass the test even if it takes me a hundred years!
네가 지구상의 마지막 사람이라도 난 너랑 사귀지 않을 거야. (가정)
I wouldn’t go out with you even if you were the last person on Earth.
내 최선의 노력에도 불구하고, 나 삼성 떨어졌어.
Despite my best efforts, I failed to get into Samsung.
걔는 자기의 많은 결점에도 불구하고, 최선을 다하려고 해.
Despite his many shortcomings, he tries his best.
자기 명성에도 불구하고, 걔는 계속 겸손하고 현실적이야.
She stays humble and down-to-earth in spite of her fame.
걔네 나이 차이에도 불구하고, 정말 잘 어울리는 한 쌍 같아.
I think they make a great couple in spite of their age difference
그의 바쁜 스케줄에도 불구하고, 항상 자기의 가족들을 위한 시간을 만드셔.
He always makes time for his family in spite of his busy schedule.