Day 6 - AS LONG AS / UNLESS Flashcards
공포 영화가 아니라면 난 상관없어.
It doesn’t matter to me as long as it isn’t a horror movie. (unless it’s a horror movie.)
우리 시간 넉넉히 있어. 교통 체증이 심하지 않는 한 우리 딱 늦지 않게 도착할 수 있을 것 같아.
We have plenty of time. I think we can make it in time as long as there isn’t heavy traffic. (unless there’s heavy traffic.)
우리 사장님이 나한테 주말에 일하라고 부탁하지 않는 한 나, 너랑 놀 수 있을 것 같아.
알겠어, (나한테) 계속 알려줘.
I think I can hang out with you as long as my boss doesn’t ask me to work on the weekend. (unless my boss asks me to work on the weekend.)
걔네는 (그들에게) 범죄 기록이 없는 한 모두에게 비자를 준다고 들었어.
I heard they give everyone a visa as long as they don’t have a criminal record. (unless they have a criminal record.)
응, 아무런 일이 생기지 않는 한, 나 할 수 있을 것 같아.
Yes, I think I can as long as nothing comes up. (unless something comes up.)
난 착하고 담배를 안 피운다면, 아무 남자나 사귈 수 있어.
I can date any guy as long as he’s nice and doesn’t smoke. (I can date any guy unless he isn’t nice and he smokes.)
중국음식이 아니라면 상관없어.
It doesn’t matter as long as we don’t eat Chinese food.
네가 밤에 (걸어서) 돌아다니지 않는다면 괜찮을 거야.
You’ll be ok as long as you don’t walk around at night. (You’ll be ok unless you walk around at night.)
내가 돈을 많이 벌 수 있는 한, 별로 상관 안 해.
I don’t really care as long as I can make a lot of money. (I can’t really care unless I can’t make much money.)
그가 내 주변에서만 담배를 피우지 않는 한, 별로 상관 안 해.
I don’t really care as long as he doesn’t smoke around me. (I don’t really care unless he smokes around me.)
걔(수컷) 코를 건드리지 않는다면, 안 물어.
No, he doesn’t as long as you don’t touch his nose. (No, he doesn’t unless you touch his nose.)
근데 네가 공부를 하지 않으면, 넌 시험에 통과할 수 없을 거야!
But [unless you study / if you don’t study], you won’t be able to pass the test!
5분 후에 출발 안 하면, (떠나지 않으면,) 우리 제시간에 도착할 수 없을 거야!
[Unless we / If we don’t] leave in five minutes, we won’t be able to make it on time!
자러 가기 전에 샤워를 하지 않으면, 난 잠들 수가 없어서.
It’s because I can’t fall asleep unless I take a shower before going to bed. (I can’t fall asleep if I don’t take a shower before going to bed.)
커피를 마시지 않으면, 수업에서 깨어 있을 수가 없어서.
It’s because I can’t keep awake in class unless I drink coffee. (It’s because I can’t keep awake in class if I don’t drink coffee.)
너, 약을 좀 먹는 게 좋을 거야. 안 먹으면, 네 감기가 나아지지 않은 거야.
You should take some medicine. Your cold won’t get better [unless you do. / if you don’t]
까먹지 말고 여권 챙겨. 여권이 없으면 비행기에 탑승할 수 없어.
Don’t forget to bring your passport. You cannot board the plane [unless you / if you don’t] have your passport.
너는 항상 언제든지 영어로 말하려고 노력해야 돼. 그러지 않으면 네 영어는 더 좋아지지 않을 거야.
You have to try to speak (in) English at all times. Your English won’t get better unless you do. (Your English won’t get better if you don’t.)
우리 부모님이 내가 이번 학기에 전부 A학점을 받아야만 나한테 새로운 전화기를 사준다고 하셨어.
My parents said they would buy me a new phone [as long as / but only if] I get straight A’s this semester.
네가 올해 말까지 나한테 (돈을) 갚을 거라고 되어있는 계약서에 서명해야만 .
[as long as / but only if] you sign a contract saying you’ll pay me back by the end of the year.
온도 조절기, 온도 좀 만 올려도 돼? 나 좀 추워.
응, 네가 한 시간 후에 끄기로 동의해야만.
Can I raise the thermostat a litter? I’m a little cold.
Yes, [as long as / but only if] you agree to turn it off after an hour.
네가 나한테 먹을 거 사줘야만 너랑 같이 갈 거야!
I’ll go with you [as long as / but only if] you buy me something to eat!
에어컨을 고쳐 주셔야만 집 계약 연장할 거예요
I’ll renew the lease [as long as / but only if] you fix the air conditioner.
네가 나를 데리러 와야만 갈 거야.
I’ll go [as long as / but only if] you pick me up.
네 정장 셔츠를 빌릴 수 있을까?
응, 더럽히지 않는다고만 약속하면.
Can I borrow your dress shirt?
Sure, [As long as / but only if] you promise not to get it dirty.
네가 희망이 있는 동안은 넌 모든 것을 성공할 수 있어! 사람들이 그러잖아, “뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다.”
You can succeed in everything (for) [so / as] long as you have hope! As they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
네가 필요로 하는 동안은 여기서 지내도 돼!
You can stay here (for) [so / as] long as you need (to)!