Day 10 - 형부꾸부 위치 (too, so, that, this, the, how) The more... the more 형부꾸부 의문문 Flashcards
나는 그렇게 큰 집 살 필요 없어.
I don’t need to live in that big (of) a place.
I don’t need to live in a place that big.
스티브 거처럼 멋있는 시계를 사고 싶어서.
I want to buy as nice (of) a watch as Steve’s.
I want to buy a watch as nice as Steve’s.
얼마나 큰 빈으로 이사 갈거야?
How big (of) a place are you going to move to?
너, 밥한테 얼마나 비싼 선물을 사줄 거야?
How expensive (of) a gift are you going to buy (for) Bob?
우리 내일 얼마나 오래 회의할 거야?
How long (of) a meeting are we going to have tomorrow?
너, 얼마나 큰 노트북 살까 생각 중이야?
How big (of) a laptop are you thinking about buying?
엄청 똑똑하신 선생님이셔서.
It’s because he’s so smart (of) a teacher.
It’s because he’s such a smart teacher.
얼마나 많이 입금하시겠어요?
How big (of) a deposit would you like to make?
마크 선생님 술 얼마나 센 사람이야? (a drinker)
술 엄청 센 사람이라고 들었어.
How strong (of) a drinker is Mark?
I heard he’s so strong (of) a drinker.
(I heard he’s such a strong drinker.)
(그걸) 하기에는 나는 너무 (큰) 겁쟁이였어.
I was too big (of) a scaredy-cat to do it.
이렇게 큰 개였어!
It was this big (of) a dong! (It was a dog (that is) this big!)
그렇게 잘생긴 남자를 본 적이 없어서!
It’s because I’ve never seen so handsome (of) a man!
It’s because I’ve never seen such a handsome man!
우리 얼마나 큰 가방을 가지고 비행기에 탈 수 있어?
이만큼 큰 가방을 가지고 갈 수 있어.
How big (of) a bag can we take on the plane?
We can take this big (of) a bag.
(We can take a bag (that is) this big.)
밥이 좀 비싼 청바지를 샀대.
I heard Bob bought some expensive jeans.
침대를 못 넣을 정도로 엄청 작은방에서 자.
I sleep in too small (of) a room to put a bed in.
엄청 좋은 사람들인 것 같아!
I think they are such nice people!
그렇게 큰일 아니야.
It isn’t that big (of) a deal. (It isn’t such a big deal.)
너, 왜 그렇게 큰 청바지를 사고 있는 거야?
Why are you buying such big jeans?
너는 왜 더 비싼 차를 사고 싶어 하지 않아?
더 비싼 차를 살수록, 고치는데 비용이 더 많이 들어서.
Why don’t you want to buy a more expensive car?
(Why don’t you want to buy more expensive (of) a car?)
It’s because the more expensive (of) a car you buy, the more it costs to get it repaired.
제가 더 타이트한 바지를 입을수록, 더 많은 사람들이 널 쳐다볼 거야. (stare)
The tighter pants you wear, the more people will stare at you.
너 (내) 몇 줄 뒤에 앉아있었어?
How many rows (behind me) were you sitting (behind me)?
그러면 만나시고 나서 [얼마 뒤에 / 몇 년 뒤에] 결혼하셨어?
Then how [long / may years] after they met did they get married?
네 형은 너보다 몇 센티 더 커?
How many centimeters taller (than you) is your brother (than you)?
네 언니는 너보다 몇 살 더 많아?
How many years older (than you) is your sister (than you)?
네가 군대 가고 나서 몇 개월 뒤에 네 전 애인이 너랑 헤어진 거야?
How many months after you went to the army did your ex break up with you?
너, 담패 피우기 시작하고 나서 몇 년 뒤에 끊었어?
How many years after you started smoking did you quit?
우리, 비행기가 이륙하기 얼마 전에 공항에 도착해야 돼?
How long before the plane takes off do we have to get to the airport?
알파들은 수업 시작하기 몇 분 전에 여기 도착해야 돼?
How many minutes before the class starts do the Alphas have to get here?
식사 후 몇 분 뒤에 이 약을 먹는 게 좋을까요?
How many minutes after eating should I take this medicine?
(내) 여행 몇 달 전에 비행기를 예약하는 게 좋을 것 같아?(recommend)
How many months before my trip do you recommend I book a flight?