Day 14 - FIRST Flashcards
너, 밥 첫인상이 어땠어?
What was your first impression of Bob?
첫인상이 걔는 차갑고 무뚝뚝해 보였어.
My first impression was that he looked cold and reserved.
너 첫 키스 언제 했어?
When did you have your first kiss?
시작하면, 가장 먼저 알 사람이 너 일거야.
If I start, you’ll be the first (one) to know.
여기에 가장 먼저 도착하는 사람이 모든 컴퓨터들을 켜 줄 수 있어?
Can the first (one) to get here turn on all of the computers?
송데이에 우리 조가 1등을 했으면 싶어서.
It’s because I want our group to come in first (place) on Song Day.
(그는) 첫째라서.
It’s because he’s [a/the] first child.
우리가 1등 했어! 우리 5백만 원 탔어!
We came in first (place)! We won 5 million won!
선생님들 중에서 보통 누가 가장 먼저 출근해?
보통 스티브 선생님이 가장 먼저 출근해.
Who is usually the first (one) [of/among] the teachers to get to work?
Steve is usually the first (one) to get to work.
누가 제일 먼저 발표를 할 거야?
셀리나가 제일 먼저 발표를 할 것 같아.
Who is going to be the first (one) to do the presentation?
I think Selena is going to be the first (one) to do the presentation.
KBO에서 누가 1등할 것 같아?
기아가 1등할 것 같아.
Who do you think will come in first (place) in the KBO?
I think Kia will come in first (place).
이름하고 성을 써야 되나요?
아니요, 이름만 쓰시면 됩니다.
Do I have to write my first and last name?
No. You only have to write your first name.
넌 우리들 중에서 맨 먼저 대학교를 졸업하는 애야.
You’re the first (one) [of/among] us to graduate from university.
네가 우리들 중에서 맨 먼저 집을 산 사람이야!
You’re the first (one) [of/among] us to buy a house!
우선 이걸 끝내고 싶어.
(First,) I want to finish this (first).
우리 뭐부터 해야 돼?
먼저 파일들을 알파벳순으로 정리해야 돼.
What do we have to do first?
First,) we have to organize the files alphabetically (first
무슨 나라부터 갈 거야? (방문할 거야?)
먼저 벨기에부터 갈 거야. (방문할 거야.)
What country are you going to visit first?
First,) I’m going to visit Belgium (first
먼저 우리 부모님한테 여쭤봐야 돼.
I have to ask my parents first.
그래, 먼저 나 여명 좀 마시고.
Okay. Let me drink some Yeomyung first.
넌 남자를 볼 때 어디를 먼저 봐?
내가 먼저 보는 건 어깨야.
What’s the first thing you look at when you see a guy?
The first thing I look at is his shoulders.
넌 집에 도착하면 먼저 하는 게 뭐야?
내가 먼저 하는 건 발을 씻는 거야.
What’s the first thing you do when you get home?
The first thing I do is wash my feet.
내가 먼저 앞자리 찜했어.
내가 여기 먼저 도착했어!
I called shotgun first!
I got here first!
등록은 선착순이야!
Registration is first come, first served!
너, 너의 가장 친한 친구(남자)를 언제 처음 만났어?
중학교 2학년 때 처음 만났어.
When did you (first) meet your best friend (for the first time)?
I (first) met him (for the first time) when I was in my second year of middle school.
비행기 타는 거 이번이 처음이야.
This is my first time taking an airplane.
(This is my first time for me to take an airplane.)
(This is my first time I’m taking an airplane.)
우리 토요일에 처음으로 만날 거야.
We’re going to meet for the first time on Saturday.
해외 나가는 게 이번이 처음이야.
This is my first time going abroad.
(This is my first time for me to go abroad.)
(This is my first time I’m going abroad.)
처음으로 스노보드 타러 갔어.
I went snowboarding for the first time.
걔한테 첫눈에 사랑에 빠졌어?
처음에는 걔한테 그렇게 끌리지는 않았어.
Did you fall in love with him at first sight? (Was it love at first sight?)
(At first,) I wasn’t that attracted to him (at first).
나한테 이거 처음이야.
This is a first for me.
처음에는 진짜 못했어.
(At first) I was really bad (at first).
처음부터 나한테 말해줬어야지.
You should’ve told me [in the first place/from the beginning].
첫 번째로 밥이 SPT가 되었고, 그리고 이제 너까지도?
First Bob became an SPT, and now you (became one too)?
내가 기억하기로는, “나 홀로 집에”가 내가 처음으로 읽은 책이었어.
As I recall, “Home Alone” was the first book I (ever) read.
As I recall, “Home Alone” was my first book.
Bob이 내가 처음으로 사귀었던 남자였어.
Bob was the first guy I (ever) went out with.
Bob was my first boyfriend.