DAY-18 Flashcards
** sneak
[동] 살금살금 가다(=slip), 몰래 …을 하다
> She sneaked up the stairs.
sneak a smoke
** host
[명] 숙주, 주인, 주최국
[동] (행사. 파티를) 주최하다[열다]
> force their host to attack other potential hosts
host a late-night concert of improvised jazz
*** pollen
[명] 꽃가루
> collect nectar and pollen
She is allergic to the pollen.
*** antidote
[명] 해독제, 해결책(=solution)
> a natural antidote
a fairly popular antidote to depression
※ anti(대항하여) + dote(주다)가 합쳐진 단어로, 몸에 들어온 독에 대항한다는 의미에서 ‘해독제’라는 뜻을 가지게 됨. 이와 철자가 유사한 anecdote(일화, 이야기)와 혼동하지 않도록 할 것.
** activate
[동] 활성화하다(=spark), 활성화되다, 작동시키다
> activate people’s needs for uniqueness
activate the ecosystem’s self-repair function
[명] 활성화
- gene
[명] 유전자
> a gene that made old bodies develop cancer
a defective gene you inherited
[형] 유전의, 유전학의
** infection
[명] 감염, 전염병
> Antibiotics can be effective for treating bacterial infections.
transmission of an infection
[형] 전염되는, 전염성의
*** inflammation
[명] 염증
> chronic inflammation
Inflammation is the life-saving component of your immune system.
[형] 염증성의, 선동적인
※ 우리 몸에 염증이 생기면 열이 남. 실제로 inflammation은 flame(열)이란 단어에서 유래
** shrink
[동] 1. 줄이다, 줄다(=contract) / 2. 오그라들다 [반] expand, swell(팽창하다)
> The difference will shrink.
During droughts, the root shrinks.
- worsen
[동] 악화되다, 악화시키다(=deteriorate)
> worsen your skin condition
worsen conflicts with others
** generation
[명] 세대, 발생, 생성(=production)
> the next generation
Food spoils as a result of the spontaneous generation of life.
[동] 발생시키다, 만들어 내다
- topsoil
[명] 표토 [반] subsoil(하층토)
> the accumulation of topsoil
Growing crops on steep mountain slopes leads to loss of topsoil.
- solid
[형] 단단한(=firm), 튼튼한, 고체의
[명] 고체
> stick together as a solid wall
solid waste disposal 고체 쓰레기 처리
[명] 견고함, 탄탄함, 확실함
** formation
[명] 생성, 형성, 대형(=arrangement)
> the formation of individual fibers
The causes of glacier re-formation would not include quakes.
[동] 형성하다
[명] 종류, 유형, 형태
*** erosion
[명] 1. 부식, 침식 / 2. 약화 [반] buildup(강화)
> Soil erosion is not new.
It dries soil out and causes chronic erosion.
[동] 침식시키다, 약화시키다
cf. wind erosion: 풍식작용(바람에 의한 침식작용)
soil erosion: 토양침식(비, 바람에 의한 침식으로 토양이 떠내려가거나 없어지는 일)