DAY-08 Flashcards
** conquer
[동] 정복하다, 이기다(=defeat)
> conquer new lands
face and conquer
[명] 정복
- excel
[동] 뛰어나다, (남을) 능가하다(=beat, surpass)
> They excel at research.
Permission to fail is really permission to excel.
[명] 뛰어남, 탁월함
※ excel in[at] …: …에서 뛰어나다
- logic
[명] 논리(학)(=reasoning), 타당성
> the logic of markets
a logic between the definition of a mathematical concept and its application
[형] 논리적인, 타당한
- thrill
[동] 황홀하게 하다
[명] 황홀감, 전율
> thrill audiences
The thrill is the risk.
*** incline
[동] …할 마음이 들게 하다, 기울다, 기울이다
[명] 비탈, 경사(면)(=slope)
> They are inclined to experience high levels of stress.
a steep incline
[명] 의향, 경향
cf. be inclined to: …하는 경향[의향]이 있다, …하려고 하다
** Interfere
[동] 방해하다, 간섭하다(=intervene)
> We interfere, by thinking.
interfere with others’ pursuit
[명] 방해, 간섭
** insanity
[명] 1. 미친 상태(=madness) / 2. 정신 이상 [반] sanity(온전한 정신) / 3. 광기
> She was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.
mass insanity
[형] 미친, 정신이상의
※ in(부정) + sane(제정신의) = + ity(접미사)가 합쳐진 단어로, 제정신이 아니라는 의미에서 ‘미친 상태, 정신이상’이라는 뜻
*** concur
[동] 일치하다(=coincide), 동의하다, 동시에 일어나다(=synchronize)
> concur with previous findings
Our anniversary concurred with my birthday.
[명] 의견 일치, 동의, 동시 발생
※ con(함께) + cur(달리다, 움직이다)가 합쳐진 단어로, ‘함께 움직인다’ –> ‘일치하다’라는 뜻
** promote
[동] 촉진하다(=foster), 장려하다(=encourage), 승진시키다(= elevate), 홍보하다
> promote the development of social and academic competencies
promote the education of fine arts
[명] 촉진, 장려, 승진, 홍보
*** authenticity
[명] 진실성, 진짜임(=genuineness)
> the authenticity of love or respect
determine authenticity of souvenirs
[형] 진본[진품]인, 진짜인
** sentiment
[명] 감정, 감상
> believe that sentiment
Such sentiment may seem strange.
[형] 감성적인, 감상적인
*** resentment
[명] 분개, 분함(=indignation)
> Some would stew with resentment.
conceal the deep resentment
[동] 분개하다, 분하게 여기다
** utility
[명] 유용성(=usefulness), (수도, 전기 같은) 공익사업, 유용한 것
> Their utility increases with the number of users.
members of other departments of the utility
[동] 활용[이용]하다
*** dispositional
[형] 성향적인, 기질의
> the employees’ dispositional traits
‘dispositional inferences’ about other people’s personalities
[명] 성향, 기질[성격]
*** disapprove
[동] 못마땅해 하다, 반대하다(=refuse)
< disapprove of that persons behavior as being abnormal
> disapprove of using animals in tests
[명] 못마땅함, 반감
※ dis(부정) + approve(찬성하다)가 합쳐진 단어로, ‘반대하다’라는 뜻을 가졌고 주로 전치사 ‘of’와 함께 사용