DAY-14 Flashcards
*** patronage
[명] 후원(=sponsorship), 애용, 단골 손님
> patronage of the arts
have implications for restaurant patronage patterns
[명] 후원자
*** ramification
[명] 영향력, 파문, 파생된 문제
> the social and political ramifications of cancers
realize the ramifications of their suggestions
[동] 가지를 내다, 여러 갈래로 갈라지다
- context
[명] 상황(=circumstance), 맥락
> include details and comments on context
weave something more into the context of the existing structure
[형] 맥락[전후 사정]과 관련된
** demonstrate
[동] 입증하다(=prove), 사실임을 보여 주다(=confirm), (사용법을) 설명하다, 시위 운동을 하다
> demonstrate this point in another way
demonstrate the importance of an individual’s action
[명] 입증, 실증, 설명
※ de(강조) + monstr(보여주다) + ate(접미사)가 합쳐진 단어로, 무언가를 ‘보여주다’라는 의미에서 사실임을 보이는 ‘입증하다’, (사용법을) ‘설명하다’와 같은 뜻을 가짐
** emergency
[명] 비상 (사태), 응급
> assist them financially in an emergency
the emergency room
※ emergency / emergence
철자 하나 차이지만 완전히 다른 뜻이니 구별할 것. emergence는 ‘출현, 발생’이라는 뜻
** precaution
[명] 예방 조치, 예방책
> some safety precautions
the most obvious precaution to prevent major damage
※ pre(미리) + caution(주의)이 합쳐진 단어로, 미리 주의를 주는 것이므로 ‘예방 조치’의 뜻
** drift
[동] 방황하다, 표류하다
[명] 표류(물), 경향
> We drift, driven by the winds of circumstance.
see how smooth and deep the drift was
※ drift / draft
draft는 ‘초고, 선발, 징병’이라는 뜻
** conventional
[형] 관례[관습]적인(=customary), 기존의
> follow conventional procedures
challenge the conventional ways of doing things
[명] 관습, 관례
** numeracy
[명] 수리 감각, 산술 능력
> develop literacy and numeracy skills
problem solving and numeracy tests
*** fraction
[명] 분수, 부분(=fragment)
> last only a fraction of a second
a small fraction of the environment
※ fraction / friction
friction은 ‘마찰’이라는 뜻. 두 단어 모두 자주 쓰이니 잘 구별할 것
- ratio
[명] 비율(=proportion)
> the same ratio of females to males
understand quantities approximately in terms of estimating ratios
- practical
[형] 실제적인, 실용적인(=useful)
> practical measures for preventing contagious diseases
the practical uses of scientific knowledge
** distrust
[명] 불신(=doubt), 의심(=suspicion)
[동] 불신하다(=doubt, suspect)
> a potential distrust of the displayed messages
Top-down business decisions are distrusted.
*** suspicion
불 suspect 의심하다
[명] 의심(=distrust, disbelief), 소량(=bit, trace)
> trigger suspicion
There was a certain suspicion in his voice.
※ suspicion에는 ‘소량’이란 뜻이 있는데, 보통 a suspicion of로 사용하여 ‘소량의, 조금의’라는 뜻
ex. a suspicion of humor
- innovation
[명] 1. 혁신 [반] imitation(모방) / 2. 획기적인 것
> a technological Innovation
reward small innovations
[동] 혁신하다, 획기적으로 하다