DAY-02 Flashcards
- damage
[명] 손상, 피해
[동] 손상을 주다(=harm)
> suffer nerve damage
an ecosystem that is damaged
[형] 손상을 주는, 해로운
※ do [cause] damage to … = inflict damage on …: …에게 손해를 입히다, …를 파괴하다
** hardship
[명] 1. 고난(=suffering) [반] ease (편함) / 2. 어려움[곤란] (=difficulty, trouble)
> a way to forget the hardship
financial hardship
** affection
[명] 1. 애정(=fondness) / 2. 애착(=attachment) / 3. 감정(=feeling)
> crave affection
Follow your affections.
[동] 영향을 미치다, 충격을주다
[형] 감정의, 정서적인
※ affectation: …인 체하기, 꾸밈
** essence
[명] 필수 요소, 본질(= nature), 정수(= core), 진액
> the essence of great novels
in essence
[형] 필수적인, 본질적인
*** adversity
[명] 역경(=suffering), 불운, 재난
> Adversity can lead to achievement.
meet many adversities in life
[형] 불리한, 역[반대]의
*** reassure
[동] 1. 안심시키다(=relieve) / 2. 기운을 돋우다(=encourage)
> reassure oneself
He gave her a hug and reassured her.
[명] 안심시키기, 안심시키는 말[행동]
※ re(다시) + assure(장담하다)가 합쳐진 단어로 ‘다시 한 번 장담하다’ –> ‘안심시키다’
** reconstruct
[동] 재구성하다, 복원하다(=restore)
> reconstruct the context
The bodies of accident victims are literally reconstructed every day by surgeons.
[명] 복원, 재건
- recall
[동] 1. 기억하다(=remember) / 2. 철회하다(=withdraw, revoke)
[명] 기억(력), 회상, 소환, 회수
> recall something from a category
word recognition and recall
※ re(다시) + call(부르다)이 합쳐진 단어. 과거의 기억을 ‘다시 불러오다’ –> ‘기억하다, 상기하다’
** straightforward
[형] 1. 직접적인(=direct) / 2. 정직한(=frank) / 3. 쉬운(=easy)
> more straightforward thinking
a way that is precise, straightforward, and unambiguous
[명] 단도직입, 솔직
*** perpetuate
[동] 영속시키다, 영구화하다(=eternalize)
> perpetuate the myth that education is the key to economic success
perpetuate the misconception
[명] 영구화, 영속화
[형] 영원한, 끊임없는, 종신의
- reaction
[명] 반응(=response), 반작용(= counteraction)
> spark a reaction
action and reaction
[동] 반응하다
[형] 반응[반작용]을 보이는
** avenue
[명] 1. 방법(=way, means) / 2. <도시의>거리, -가(=street)</도시의>
> a whole new avenue for exploration
5th Avenue toward the Yankee store Yankee
** squash
[명] 호박
[동] 1. 묵살하다 / 2. 억압하다(=suppress) / 3. 으깨다(=crush)
> Prepare the squash.
squash a plan
- resource
[명] 1. 자원 / 2. 재료(=material) / 3. 수단(=means) / 4. 지략
> compete for resources
his resources at the talk show
[형] 지략있는, 기지가 있는
- relative
[명] 친척(=kin)
[형] 1. 상대적인 [반] absolute(절대적인) / 2. 비교상의 (=comparative) / 3. 관련된
> console the victim’s relatives
relative efficiencies
[명] 상대성
[형] 비교적[상대적]으로