DAY-12 Flashcards
*** deliberate
[형] 의도적인(=intentional), 신중한(=thoughtful)
> The nonverbal message is deliberate.
deliberate acts of an evil consciousness
[명] 숙고, 신중함
*** grasp
[명] 이해(=understanding), 꽉 쥐기
[동] 움켜잡다(=grip), 파악하다
> children’s grasp of mathematical concepts
His sharp talons grasped the fish.
(*talon 맹금의 발톱, 사람의 긴 손톱)
** utter
[동] 말하다, 발화하다
[형] 완전한(=thorough)
> “well-formed” constructions uttered by the child
the utter chaos Mother Nature imposes during the storm
[명] 표현함, 입 밖에 냄
※ utter가 형용사로 쓰일 때에는 의미를 강조하기 위해서 명사 앞에서 수식하는 형태로만 사용되니 주의
** inexperienced
[형] 미숙한(=unripened), 경험이 부족한
> She was unqualified and totally inexperienced.
the inexperienced child reader
*** intuitive
[형] 직관의, 직관적인, 직관력이 있는
> develop intuitive expertise
have an intuitive understanding of other people
[명] 직관(력)
- still
[형] 정지한, 고요한(=tranquil)
[부] 여전히, 그럼에도 불구하고(=nevertheless, notwithstanding)
> the unforgettable views of the still Arno
The image was still a dog.
** gaze
[동] 응시하다(=stare)
[명] 응시, (눈 여겨 보는) 시선
> Everyone gazed in wonder.
keep their gaze fixed upon the great East Gate
※ gaze / glance / glimpse
셋 다 ‘보다’라는 의미를 가졌지만, glance는 ‘곁눈질로 힐끗 보다’, glimpse는 ‘언뜻 보다’라는 차이
** stimulus
[명] 자극(=incentive), 자극제
> provide a stimulus and direction for critical thinking
chemical stimuli
<pl.> stimuli
[동] 자극하다
** suspend
[동] 중단하다, 매달다(=hang), 유보하다(=delay), 정학시키다
> suspend judgment
be suspended from school
[명] 연기, 보류, 정학
- blank
[형] 멍한(=numb), 빈(=void), 순진한
[명] 빈칸, 여백(=vacancy)
> a blank expression on her face
a 1/4 inch blank white border
** lag
[명] 지체, 시간적 격차
[동] 뒤처지다(=delay), 시들해지다(=fade)
> experience jet lag
The United States will lag behind the other nine nations.
** urge
[명] 욕구, 충동
[동] 충고하다(=advise), 권고하다(=recommend)
> an urge to alleviate the pain
urge urban planners to reinforce pedestrianism
*** counter
[동] 거스르다(=oppose), 대응하다
[명] 판매대, 반대(되는) 것
[형] 반대의
> the clerk behind the counter
prepare their counter refutation
*** compulsion
[명] 충동, 강요(=pressure)
> the human compulsion towards the community
feel a compulsion
[동] 자아내다, 강요하다
** announce
[동] 발표하다(=publicize), 선언하다(=declare), 이름을 부르다
> announce the winner of this year’s contest
He heard his name announced.
[명] 발표, 소식
cf. announce + A (to B): (B에게) A에 대해 발표하다[알리다]