DAY-06 Flashcards
*** prioritize
[동] 우선순위를 매기다, 우선시하다(=prefer)
> Effective coaches prioritize.
prioritize the order of the hospital ward over patient comfort
[명] 우선 사항, 우선권
** requirement
[명] 요구사항(=demand), <주로> 필요(한 것)(=need), 필요조건</주로>
> a fundamental design requirement
It is a requirement for successful integration.
[동] 요구하다, 필요하다
- inability
[명] 할 수 없음, 무능 [반] ability(능력)
> Please do not view this inability as an expression of my wavering support.
the inability to reason well
※ inability / disability
두 단어 모두 ability(능력)과 반대되는 뜻. inability는 ‘능력이 없다’는 의미 자체를 강조. disability는 ‘능력 상실의 원인에 해당하는 병이나 부상’을 강조하기 때문에 ‘장애, 결함, 불리한 조건’이라는 뜻
** dedicate
[동] …을 바치다(=devote), 헌신하다
> Brian now dedicates his life to competing in triathlons.
She dedicated herself to social reform.
[명] 전념, 헌신
※ dedicate oneself to…: …에 헌신[전념]하다
= be dedicated to… = devote oneself to… = be devoted to…
** bias
[명] 선입견(=prejudice), 편견
> avoid experimental bias
gender bias
[형] 치우친, 편견을 가진
** rank
[동] 평가하다(=rate), (순위 등을) 차지하다
[명] 지위(=position), 계급
> The sales of Organic ranked the highest in 2010.
loyalty to title and rank
[명] 순위
*** imperceptible
[형] 1. 감지할 수 없는 [반] perceptible(감지할 수 있는) / 2. 미미한(=subtle)
> imperceptible to the touch
The difference is imperceptible.
※ im(부정) + percept(감지/인지) + ible(할 수 있는)이 합쳐진 단어로, ‘감지할 수 없는’의 뜻이 됨
** occupy
[동] 차지하다(=take up), 점유하다
> occupy a different world
traders who occupy the monument
** cuisine
[명] 음식, 요리(법)
> Coffee is an important part of the Italian cuisine.
the more exact cuisine of different country
※ recipe는 ‘요리법’이라는 의미만 있지만, cuisine은 요리법 외에도 (맛있거나 특별한) 어떤 ‘요리’ 그 자체나 ‘요리의 종류’를 가리키기도 함
** narrative
[명] 이야기, 줄거리
> weave them into a compelling narrative
the fundamental narrative and themes of Apocalypse Now
[동] 이야기하다, 말하다
*** keen
[형] 강한(=strong), 열정적인(=passionate), 명민한, 날카로운(=sharp)
> Adrian wasn’t always keen to take his dad’s advice.
keen minds and sharp thinking
*** confer
[동] 상의하다(=consult), 수여[부여]하다(=bestow, grant), 주다
> confer with her colleagues before making a decision
Interacting with objects may confer important knowledge of the physical world.
*** confidentiality
[명] 비밀 유지, 기밀성
> Privacy and confidentiality are not issues.
need of confidentiality between doctors and patients
[형] 비밀의, 기밀의
※ confident(자신감 있는)라는 단어와 철자가 비슷하지만 전혀 다른 뜻
*** disclose
[동] 털어놓다(=confess), 드러내다(=reveal, expose)
> People often disclose themselves slowly.
The disclosed amount is big.
[명] 폭로, 드러난 사실
cf. disclose[reveal] A to B: A를 B에게 공개하다[드러내다/폭로하다]
** strategic
[형] 전략적인, 전략상 중요한
> strategic and intentional
make strategic decisions
[명] 전략, 계획