Coronary Artery disease (11.5) Flashcards
What is Coronary Artery Disease?
(What are the two main structures/causes of coronary artery disease)
Issues with the coronary arteries (Via: theres an issue supplying blood )
The ability of the circulatory system to deliver oxygen and other nutrients. (Having blockages
, narrowing, etc)
What is arteriosclerosis?
An umbrella term, referring to the loss of elasticity and the hardening of arteries, happens anywhere and is usually because of age of hypertension NOT plaque
What causes Coronary Artery Disease?
Blockages in coronary arteries (Where arteriosclerosis occurs specifically in the coronary arteries
Common symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease include?
- Chest pain/pressure
- Difficulty breathing
- Pain in arm, back, etc.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Symptoms can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn.
What is angina?
Pain in the chest area due to insufficient blood supply to cardiac muscles
- pain in the left shoulder
- pain in the arm
- pain in the neck
—> ANGINA is a symptome
It can range in discomfort and is often triggered by physical exertion or stress.
What is a myocardial infarction?
Death of cardiac muscle tissue due to oxygen deprivation (blood flow is severely reduced or blocked)
Blood clot forms at the site of the plaque build up rupture, it blocks the flow of blood to heart muscles, if blood flow is not restored within 20-40 mins, cells begin to die
Warning sighs include the coronary artery disease symptoms and can occur hours, days , or weeks before an attack (extremely hard to predict)
What is angioplasty?
Insertion of a catheter to open blocked arteries
It involves using x-ray imaging to guide the catheter to the heart.
Ballon tipped cathered is inserted into the blocked arteries
Balloon inflates and compresses plaque but widens arteries
if required a stent is deployed to keep arteries open. stent is permenant
balloon is deflated, arteries are open, and catheter is removed but stent is permanent
What is bypass surgery?
Chest incision to expose heart
Harvesting graphs (blood vessels taken from other parts of the body (ie legs)
Attach graphs to aorta and beyond the blockage
vertificarion of blood flow and closure of incision
How is a heart issue diagnosed?
Cardiac catheterization
It involves the insertion of a thin tube into the heart to visualize blockages using dye.
insertion through the fermorl/brachial artery
dye hells see the blood stream and a anigogram is taken
Can see if an artery is blocked or narrowed
True or False: High cholesterol can worsen coronary artery disease.
High cholesterol is one of the risk factors for developing the disease.
Fill in the blank: A _______ can form at the site of a plaque buildup rupture during a heart attack.
Blood clot
This clot blocks the flow of blood to heart muscle cells.
What are the three terms to refer to issues within the arteries?
1) Arteriosclerosis (an umbrella term that refers to every artery)
2) Atherosclerosis (Hardening or lost of elasticity due to plaque
3) Coronary artery disease (If arteriosclerosis happens in the coronary arteries)
What is atherosclerosis?
The hardening of the arteries due to plaque (because of buildup of fat, cholesterol, calcium, etc)
- > a specific type of arterioscelerosis
What are the risk factors of coronary artery disease?
- these factors can be overlapping
- can influence or worsen
1) High blood pressure
2) High cholesterol
3) Diabetes
4) Overweight/Obese
5) Smoking
6) Physical inactivity
7) Genetic
8) Age
How can you treat angina?
- no perm fix, however can be temporarily treated with a nitroglycerin (vasodilation) makes arteries larger.
How serious can myocardial infarction be?
—> can be fatal if a large area of cardiac muscle is affected
- can interfere w heart rythmn
- can cause heart to stop beating
Can lead to cardic arrest, which is. sudden lost of all heart activities
Treatment for myocardiac infarction?
1) Lifestyle changes (excersie, diet, quit smoking)
2) Angoplasty (openning up blocked arteries, enlarging and narrowing)
3) Bypass surgery (rerouting blood around clogged/blocked/narrowed arteries)