Control Of Ventilation Flashcards
What are the three factors involved in the regulation of pulmonary ventilation during exercise?
Neural control, chemical control and hormonal control
Where is the respiratory centre located?
In the medulla oblongata
What are the two main areas of the respiratory centre?
The inspiratory and expiratory centres
What does the expiratory centre do?
It stimulates the expiratory muscles during exercise
What does the inspiratory centre do?
It sends out nerve impulses via the phrenic nerve to the inspiratory muscles (diaphragm and external intercostals) to cause them to contract.
What are the factors that affect neural control of breathing?
Mechanical factors - proprioceptors, located in the joints and muscles, provide feedback to the respiratory centre to increase breathing during exercise
Baroreceptors - a decrease in blood pressure detected by baroreceptors in the aorta and carotid arteries results in an increase in breathing rate
Stretch receptors - during exercise the lungs are also stretched more, prevent over-inflation of the lungs by sending impulses to the expiratory centre and then down the intercostal nerve to the expiratory muscles
What is the order of neural/chemical control for inspiration?
• Receptors
• Medulla oblongata
• Phrenic nerve
• Diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pectoralis minor
What is the order of neural/chemical control for expiration?
• Receptors
• Medulla oblongata
• Intercostal nerve
• Abdominals and internal intercostals