CNAF Chapter 4 HSM-50 Flashcards
Authority for flights (4-1)
Naval aircraft shall not be flown by any person unless authorized by the reporting custodian or other commander exercising op control over the a/c concerned.
All flights all be in the natl interest w/ fleet readiness receiving the highest priority.
Efficient utilization of a/c and available funds is the responsibility of the reporting custodian.
Requirements for a flight schedule (4-1)
Authorization for a flight shall be documented by a published flight schedule. Shall contain:
- Names and flight function of flight personnel
- designations (PIC, mission comm, form lead)
- COC for form flights in event of abort by flight lead
- A/C model
- TMR code
- Point of departure, stopovers, and destination
- Date and ETD
- ETE or ETA
Minimum Flightcrew requirements (4-1)
As set forth in individual NATOPS.
When A/C Commander is required (4-1,2)
A/C Commander shall be designated for the following multipiloted a/c missions.
- Operational/tactical missions
- Admin missions in helos/tilts
- Training flights except those that are w/in the capabilities of pilots of lower classification and which in the opinion of the CO are best suited to teach such pilots self reliance and command responsibility (solos)
- Flights in which transport of pax is involved
Minimum flight crew: insufficient NATOPS guidance (4-2)
PIC w/ valid inst rating
Copilot qualified to perform assist functions. (If pax embarked, copilot shall be PQM)
Other Flightcrew necessary for safe conduct
Rescue helos operating over water requirement (4-2)
Any naval aircraft assigned the primary mission of SAR overwater shall have as a member of its crew 1 aircrewman who is
Completely outfitted for water entry
Has completed an approved CNO/CMC rescue swimmer school
Where SAR/plane guard is briefed as primary mission, or when it becomes primary mission, the rescue Aircrewman shall be prepared for immediate water entry
Preflight Planning PIC requirments (4-2)
Risk assessment
Fuel reqs
Terminal Inst Procedures
Wx reports/forecasts
Authorized airfields: DOD (4-3)
Naval a/c are authorized to land at all U.S military and joint civil/military airfields.
When planning to operate at other than home, local training fields, or OLFS, PICs shall ensure they are aware of and meet airfield op reqs and when necessary have satisfied PPR reqs.
PPR not require for planned alternates or emergency diverts
Authorized Airfields: Civilian (w/ RON and planning)(4-3)
Naval A/C are permitted to operate at civilian airfields listed in enroute sup or FAA pubs when such ops:
Contribute to mission accomplishment
Add value to training
Are otherwise in the interest of the govt or taxpayer
Shall not be used for RON unless reqd for mission accomplishment. In such cases, Wing approval is required.
RON is authorized if required for mx or following emergency divert
Unit COs shall ensure appropriate security and force protection plans can be implemented whenever a/c is left unattended away from home field. Wing/group commanders shall only authorize planned RON at civilian airfields if security/force protection reqs can be satisfied.
PICs shall ensure they are familiar w/ any special procedures, practices, or rules that apply at civilian airfield.
PICs shall ensure that runway length, and runway/taxiway load bearing capabilities are adequate.
If fueling/servicing required, PICs shall ensure DOD contract services are available.
Other than airfields (4-3,4)
Helos are authorized to land at other than airfield locations provided:
Military requirement exists
Adequate safeguards are taken to permit safe t/o and landing w/ hazard to to people/property
No legal objection
COs may waive for SAR ops
Closed Tower Ops (4-4)
COs of airfields may extend hours
CO of airfield and CO of squadron may approve operation outside of hours
CO of airfield and CO of squadron may approve operation w/o crash crew present
Closed Airfield ops (4-4)
Naval A/C are prohibited from taking off or landing at close airfields except in the case of an emergency
Requirement to submit a flight plan (4-4)
Flight plan shall be submitted for all flights in naval a/c except:
- Op necessity
- Training flights under CNATRA in authorized training areas.
Unable to file in person/by telephone (4-4)
Flight plan may be filed as soon as possible by radio after T/O.
Flight in controlled airspace in IMC w/o ATC clearance is prohibited.
Filing by radio after T/O is not permitted when it will involve unauthorized IMC flight.
Submission of flight plan requirements (4-6,7)
Weather briefing
Requirements (wx and fuel)
Preflight planning (NOTAMS, data)
Safe and orderly conduct
Weight and balance
Instrument rating (as required by each member in form)
Manifest (pax)
DD-175-1 valid times (4-8)
3 hours past briefing
ETD plus half hour
Wx Criteria for filing (4-9)
Flight plans shall be filed based on:
- Actual wx at point of dep at time of clearance
- Existing/forecast wx for entire route of flight
- Dest and alt forecasts for ETA +-1 hour
Requirement to file IFR (4-9)
IFR flight plans shall be filed and flown whenever practicable as a means of reducing midair collision potential
Alternate Wx Reqs
Shall be based on runway that will be in use (best judgement)
Wx at ETA +- 1 hr
Note: If alt required, it shall have published approach compatible w/ installed operable aircraft nav equipment that can be flown w/o the use of 2 way radio comms whenever either of the following conditions is met:
- Destination lacks the above approach
- Forecasted wx is below 3000/3 during ETA +- 1 hr
Planning for icing/t storm (4-10)
Flights shall be planned to circumvent areas of forecast atmospheric icing and t storm conditions whenever practicable
Flying into WWs (4-10)
Except for op necessity, emergencies, and flights involving all wx research projects or wx recon,
Pilots shall not file into or through WWs unless one of the following exceptions apply:
- Storm has not progressed as forecasted (Home field: CO/Wing commander determination, DOD forecaster/FSS guidance. Other than home field: verified by DOD forecaster or FSS)
In either situation:
A. VFR filing permitted if existing and forecast wx permits
B. IFR flight permitted if a/c radar installed and operative, thus permitting detection and avoidance of isolated t storms.
C. IFR flight permissible in controlled airspace if VMC can be maintained.
- If you can fly over it.
Min Fuel Planning Reqs (4-10,11)
No alternate required: fuel to fly from t/o to destination plus 10%
Alt required: fuel to fly from t/o to approach fix serving dest and thence to alt airfield plus 10%
In no case, planned reserve after landing shall be no less than that needed for 20 min of flight (at planned flight altitude for helos)
Min fuel reserve for specific model shall be in NATOPS
How long is a weight and balance form (DD 365-4) valid? (4-12)
3 months
Responsibility for closing flight plan (4-12)
Responsibility of PIC/form leader
Military installation: verbally confirm w/ tower or base ops or deliver copy of flight plan form to base ops
Non military: any means of communication available. If no comms at destination, predicted landing time given before losing comms works.
Cancellation of inst flight plan does not meet requirement of closing out flight plan