80T-106 Chapter 5/6 HSM-50 (Study As 105 By Exception) Flashcards
Condition I/Alert 5
- spotted for immediate launch
- rotor blades spread
- starting equipment plugged in
- When word is passed to “standby for launch”, engines shall be started w/o further instruction
- launch positively controlled from PriFly
- A/C should be airborne w/in 5 min of order to launch
- in helicopter
Ground crew
- Starting crewman and ordnance personnel ready for launch in all respects
Condition II/Alert 15
Same as condition I except
- Rotor blades may be folded or tied down
- if blades are folded, shall be run through fold/unfold cycle to ensure operability
- should be airborne w/in 15 min of launch order
- not required to be in helo
- on immediate call
Condition III/Alert 30
- main rotor blades may be folded
- need not be in position for immediate launch
- parked so as to allow direct access to spot
- towbar shall be attached
- should be airborne w/in 30 minutes of launch order
- in readiness rooms or working spaces
- in flight gear
- prebriefed for launch
- mission required personnel shall be in designated location w/ all necessary gear
Ground crew:
- Specific LSE, Tractor driver, handling crew, and starting crewman designated and assigned
- thoroughly briefed so that when order given to prepare to launch helo can be safely and expeditiously moved into position and readied
Condition IV/Alert 60
Same as Condition III except:
- minor mx may be performed if no restoration delay is involved
- should be airborne w/in 60 minutes of order to launch
- designated and available
Number of spots
LHD/LHA-6: 9
Landing Areas
Forward area: 1-5
Aft area: 6-9
Flight deck light signals
Red: Prepare to start engines and start engines
Amber: Engage/disengage rotors
Green: Land/Launch A/C
Hotel Flag description
White next to Red (displayed just forward and above PriFly)
Landing on crows foot
Nose over horizontal line
Lined up w/ centerline
Flight Deck Clothing
Same as ACS w/ following exceptions
Plane Captains: Brown over Brown
Tractor Drivers: Blue over Blue
Elevator Operators: White over blue
Combat Cargo: White over White
Permission to start engines/engage rotors
LSE/Director shall receive clearance from air officer prior to starting engines or engaging rotors
Is PriFly permission required for APU start?
Yes. LSE/director shall request. Can be requested in the slash.
Can A/C be shutdown w/o LSE/director signal?
Only in cases of emergency
Ready for launch call
Thumbs up to LSE/launch officer
Report A/C status, fuel, and souls to PriFly
Launching helos w/ ship in turn
Should only be attempted when authorized by ship’s CO or designated rep
Landing behind engaged tail rotor A/C
Helos landing behind engaged tail rotor A/C shall not conduct cross cockpit T/Os or landings for LSE safety
Beacon signal to remove tiedowns (EMCON)
Red - Green - Red
EMCON wx mins
500’ above prescribed delta
3NM vis
Well defined horizon
Lost Comms IMC
Continue climbout on departure radial
Climb/descent to emergency marshal altitude
Proceed w/ emergency marshall instructions
A/C ops from uncertified ship
Shall not be conducted except in extreme situations (MEDEVAC)
Aircraft Check in w/ AATCC
Call sign
Fuel state
Ordnance remaining
Other info
LHA/LHD smoke light
Same as ACS except at 100’/40 kts
First consideration for hung ordnance
Jettisoning or diverting
Use of tiedowns
Chocks and tiedowns shall be applied after landing upon signal from LSE w/ concurrence of HAC. Shall remain until ready to launch
Chock required for rapid loading
Spot 1 restrictions
Night approaches to spot 1 are not authorized
Right seat landings on spot 1 are not recommended
Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck shall be used for night helo launches (not spot 1)(chapter 7)
EMCON recovery
Plan to be in Delta pattern prior to scheduled recovery time
Monitor prifly w/ ship in sight
Smacks on, pos lights bright w/in 10 NM of ship
Pos lights flashing in delta pattern
Upon reception of flashing green ALDIS, turn pos lights to steady bright, descend to CHARLIE pattern
Upon reception of steady green ALDIS, normal lighting procedures, continue w/ approach
Emergency Approach
IF emergency or fuel state prevents compliance w/ emergency marshal:
Squawk emergency codes,
Proceed to intercept EFB at 5 miles and proceed inbound