80T-105 Chapter 8 HSM-50 Flashcards
Wind Limitations for engine start
There are no wind limitations for engine start.
The air officer/HCO/HETO (helo engaged turn officer) should be prepared to engage rotors immediately following engine start
Entering/Exiting Rotor Arc
Personnel shall not enter or exit the rotor arc w/ the engines operating and the rotor brake on. Excessive time w/ the engines operating and the rotor brake on should be avoided.
The air officer, HCO, or HETO should be prepared for rotor brake slippage at all times.
APU starting
the APU may be started provided there is enough clearance to prevent damage to adjacent aircraft/equipment from APU exhaust
The LSE/PC {should/shall} request permission for the following evolutions through flight deck control or PriFly:
Engine start
Rotor engagement/disengagement
CVN launch wx minimums
200/ 1/2
Pre launch coordination
Helo spread and start sequence, rotor engagement, and launch shall be in accordance w/ NATOPS and shall only occur after the proper signal from the LSE under positive control of prifly
Order to remove tiedowns
Tiedowns shall not be removed until pilot has signaled ready to launch and LSE has received permission from PriFly
How do you report fuel upon launch?
If SAR capable: red light fuel (splash + 30) in local time (HHMM)
If not SAR capable: time to splash (HH+MM)
When to report red light fuel
If SAR capable on t/o
Significant change in red light
Helo Departure Direction
Unless otherwise directed, helos shall take departure to port and shall not cross the bow w/in 5 nm or he stern w/in 3 nm (keyhole) w/o specific clearance from tower
A/C in the six pack risk
On spots 4,5, and 6, if a/c are turning the six pack, there is risk of hot gas ingestion (leads to comp stalls) or heat stress on LSE/PC.
Keyhole (real name and describe)
Helicopter restrictions during fixed wing launch and recovery
When ready for breakdown and launch, in addition to light signals required by 105, helos shall place _____ to ______ as additional warning
Formation lights
Full bright
What should you do if you are high gross weight or the winds are poor for t/o?
Request T/O up the LA and perform max gross weight
Ask for different winds (risky)
Direction of departure from spot 9
Port or starboard depending on winds
Case I departure
Clear the control zone as directed by tower.
Case II departure
Clear the control zone as directed by tower.
Case III departure
Climb straight ahead to 200-300 ft (unaided) or 150-300 ft (aided) or as assigned by CATCC
Arc w/in 3 NM to intercept departure radial
Don’t cross the bow during fixed wing launch
SAR helos to the SAR patter if COC
Climb to departure altitude at departure radial outside of 12 NM
Helo lost comms procedure
Remain at or below 300’
Arc to enter starboard D
Execute visual signal
- I require immediate landing: fly close aboard starboard quarter. Flood/search/landing lights on (red flare if total elec failure)
- I desire to land but can wait: fly or hover on the starboard side, pos lights bright/flashing, smacks on
Can FCF flights be conducted concurrently w/ fixed wing ops?
During recovery w/ forward firing ordnance (fixed wing) the plane guard helo shall not be positioned _____
360 to 090 relative w/in 5 NM
Weapons and Plane guard
The presence of weapons (crew served or external) or expendable shall not prevent an otherwise SAR capable helo from being tasked w/ plane guard responsibilities or SAR
Describe Starboard D
300’ 80 KIAS
045 to 110 Rel
1 mile to 3-5 miles
GAU-21 and SAR
A GAU 21 installed in MH-60R does not preclude SAR ops, but it does present an obstacle. To the max extent practicable, GAU-21 and swing arm should be removed before tasking a MH-60R to conduct plane guard
Plane guard ops
On station: 20 NM day, 10 NM night
Shall remain w/in UHF range and monitor air control freq
Radio check every 20 minutes during case III recoveries
May conduct additional missions provided responsive plane guard capability maintained
If you need to refuel during plane guard, how do you do it?
An A/C refueling and/or conducting crew change on spot 7 can meet requirement of an airborne SAR helo at CV CO’s discretion. Upon completion, helo shall launch w/o delay
Condition I
The A/C shall be
- spotted for immediate launch
- rotor blades spread
- starting equipment plugged in
- 4 tiedowns attached (unless otherwise directed by AHO)
Ground crew
- LSE, PC, starting crewman, required plane handlers standing by
Flightcrew shall be
- ready for launch in all respects
- all personnel equipment attached and adjusted as in flight
Condition II
Same as condition I except
Flight crews shall
- standby in the ready room
Alert SAR in condition II
An alert SAR helo in condition II may be folded provided the primary SAR helo is airborne
Condition III
- Main rotor blades may be folded
- A/C need not be in position for immediate launch
- parked as to allow direct access to a suitable launch spot
- Towbar attached or stowed adjacent/beneath
Ground crew
- Specific LSE, tractor driver, handling crew and starting crewman designated and assigned
- thoroughly briefed so when order is given, A/C can be safely and expeditiously moved into position and readied for launch
Flight crews
- should be briefed for launch
- standing by in a designated location
Condition IV
Condition III except
Minor mx may be performed on the A/C if no delay in launch is involved
Launch of condition helos
When air officer passes word to stand by to launch condition I helos, engines shall be started w/o further instructions, however, rotor engagement and launch shall be positively controlled by prifly
Rescue swimmers in open ocean
Rescue swimmers shall not enter the water during night/IMC SIMULATED rescue ops in an open ocean environment
Transient helos
Shall contact marshal control at least 25 NM out
If case III, marshall control will clear helos to holding or starboard D as requested
Should expect to proceed to starboard D unless otherwise directed
Case III recovery
Approach shall be flown as directed by CATCC until pilot acquires one of the optical landing aids (pilot shall call the ball). Control then assumed by air officer who issues final landing clearance
Lights Steady Bright until on final when pos lights switched to steady Dim
Light configuration upon landing
Inbound - Steady, Bright, Both
On final - Steady, Dim, Both
Call Ball - Steady, Dim, Upper
On deck - Flashing, Dim, Off
Snuggle up
Operate w/in 1 NM of ship, expect to land in next 5 minutes.
If directed to CHARLIE, are you clear to cross the stern?
Yes if required
Primary Helo Marshall
1000’, 5 NM, 110 radial (relative)
Each successive helo adds 1 NM and 500’
Right hand racetrack, 2 NM legs
Emergency marshall at 7 NM
Transitioning from Marshall to an approach
Descend at 90 Kts and 500 fpm
Cross 145 relative to final bearing at or above 900’ unless otherwise directed
Actual name of the meatball
Optical landing system
Air taxiing over flight deck
W/ clearance from the air officer or HCO, helos may be air taxied up the landing area to an assigned spot at a safe closure rate w/ pilot reference to visual signals from the LSE
Waveoff/missed approach
Climb straight ahead to 300’ and then as directed by CATCC
If no instructions received, attempt to make contact
If no instructions received, assume lost contact, turn at 2 minutes or 4 miles ahead of ship
Report abeam, if no contact received, renter through 3 NM fix or turn inbound 2 min past abeam
How many safety precautions are there? (105)
Engagement/Disengagement safety precautions
- Personnel shall not be permitted to approach/depart a helo while its rotors are being engaged/disengaged
- Personnel required to be in the area of helos engaging or disengaging rotors shall either stand next to the fuselage or well outside the rotor area
- The air officer or his rep shall pass over the 5 MC, “Stand well clear of helo (side #) while engaging/disengaging rotors on spot (#)”
LSE safety precautions
- Except in case of emergency, pilots shall not stop engines or fold rotor blades w/o proper clearance from the LSE
- The waveoff and hold signals are mandatory and shall be executed immediately
Moving helo around flight deck safety precautions
- Helos SHOULD not be taxied on the flight deck
- Helicopters shall not be towed or pushed w/ rotors engaged
Ship roll safety precautions
With a ship roll greater than 4 deg:
Launch/recovery of helos and rotor engagement/disengagement should not be attempted. Must be approved by CVN CO or representative
Anticipated wind and heel must be communicated to HAC prior to execution
Ship Turning Safety Precaution
W/ ship roll (heel) greater than 4 deg:
Launch/Recovery of helos and rotor engagement/disengagement should only be attempted when authorized by CVN CO or representative
Anticipated wind and heel must be communicated to HAC prior to execution
Overflight safety precaution
Departing/approaching helos shall never be flown over another A/C
Landing next to turning jets safety precaution
Helicopter shall not be landed/launched where engine performance/stability could be affected by turning jet engines. Jet exhaust shall not be directed into the path of the A/C being launched
Forward Firing Ordnance Clearance safety precaution
The area in front of helos w/ forward firing ordnance shall be clear of personnel and equipment
Cross cockpit recoveries forward of occupied spot safety precaution
Cross cockpit recoveries forward of an occupied spot are not recommended
Case III recoveries safety precaution
Case III unaided helo recoveries shall be conducted to the angled deck from astern, utilizing the OLS, w/ the wind oriented to the centerline of the angle deck, and w/in the parameters set forth in NATOPS.
During night VMC recoveries on CVs equipped w/ operating white floodlights and when the aft portion of the flight deck is not clear, helos may make an op roach utilizing the OLS and centerline to the angled deck.
Upon approaching the fantail and when the deck and LSE have been visually acquired, helo shall then slide over, fly up the port side to the landing spot and slide into a landing
Spot 1 restrictions
Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck shall be used for night helo launches (spot 1 does not)
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Non precision spot
Spot 2 restrictions
Starboard approaches/departure prohibited
Left seat slide-in visual recoveries not recommended
Concurrent ops authorized (include ground turns, T/O, landings). Shall be sequenced between fixed wing T/Os and landings
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 3 restrictions
Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck shall be used for night helo launches (spot 3 does not)
Secondary dearming spot
Left seat slide in visual recoveries to spot 3 are prohibited
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 4 restrictions
Primary de arming spot
Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5, and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. LSE should be positioned inboard of cat 4 safe parking line (same general location as right seat recoveries)
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 5 restrictions
Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5, and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. LSE should be positioned inboard of cat 4 safe parking line (same general location as right seat recoveries)
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 6 restrictions
Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5, and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. LSE should be positioned inboard of cat 4 safe parking line (same general location as right seat recoveries)
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 7 restrictions
If CVN CO deems it necessary, helos w/ FFO are authorized to utilize spot 7 (shall be offset to starboard for launch and land)
Helos w/ hung/misfired FFO shall not recover on spot 7
Night/IMC ops to spot 7 w/ FFO should be avoided
Primary spot for hung CSW
Concurrent ops are authorized (includes ground turns, T/Os and landings. Shall be sequenced between fixed wing T/Os and landings)
Personnel shall not be permitted to enter the rotor arc area of an engaged helo on spot 7 when fixed wing A/C are in tension on cats 3 or 4
Safety boundary shall be clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment when helo ops are being conducted
AHO or rep shall ensure that A/C elevator has been secured (stanchions lowered, locks engaged)
Spot 8 restrictions
Helo ops shall not be conducted when fixed wing A/C are in tension on cats 3 or 4
Hot refueling shall not be conducted
Helo ops shall not be conducted when fixed wing recoveries are taking place
LSO platform shall be lowered and clear of personnel for helo T/Os and landings
Safety boundary shall be clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment when helo ops are being conducted
AHO or rep shall ensure that A/C elevator has been secured (stanchions lowered, locks engaged)
Spot 9
Non precision spot
Primary hung dome spot
Jet exhaust from jet engines being tested in AIMD engine test cell beneath spot 9 is sufficient to alter performance. Helos shall not be launched/recovered during test runs
Rotor downwash warning/caution
Combo of relative winds and rotor downwash during launch/recovery …
immediately upwind of other A/C presents hazard for personnel who may be blown into A/C
Adjacent to spot occupied by helo engaging/disengaging rotors or occupied by a shutdown helo not folded/secured may cause rotor system damage
Required lights during helo NVD ops
Blue deck lights
Overhead sodium oxide lights
Beacon lights
Relative winds/rotor downwash warning/caution
Combo of relative winds and rotor downwash when launching or landing a helo….
Night EMCON recovery
Enter Starboard/Port Delta (estimate relative bearings)
Switch pos lights to flashing/bright
After last fixed wing a/c has turned final or when given green light for CHARLIE, lead helo (closest on inbound bearing) shall accelerate to 90 kts and turn to intercept optical glide slope at 1 NM, 400’
At 45 degree position, expect green light to clear for approach. Switch nav lights to steady/dim
If red light received, wave off to the right and reeenter starboard D
Dearming rules
FFO shall be landed outboard and be pointed clear of stuff
Second A/C not permitted to land until first A/C dearmed
Spot order: 4, 3, 5 ,6
Hung ordnance report
Notify tower: type, rounds, nature of malfunction
Hung CSW procedure
Report to tower
Train away from ship and personnel
Land spot 7 (BRC) or 9 (BRC+15 deg)
Hung FFO procedures
Report to tower
Shall not launch/recover on spot 7
Hung dome procedures
Very similar to SOP
Spot 9 recommended location (min mx personnel req)
Consider mattress
Hover at appropriate altitude. Consider LSE in vultures row
Same lowering process as SOP (POCL dependent)
Cable should be placed in cabin prior to shutdown